Flight of the Eagle Shamanic Resources

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Think of all Life itself as vibration. Even at the physical level, ALL THAT IS, is what you presently term energy. Between the atoms of everything in the created universe lay vast expanses of empty space. In that space there teems the infinitely expanding body of God. This expansion, totally without form of any kind as you know it, is constantly interacting with itself. Exploding outwards constantly, it meets itself and turns inward. Thus, the defining principle of all of creation, expansion/contraction, yin/yang, female/male, good/evil and so on, is established. This most simple pulsing contracts into spirit and thought, energy and finally, matter. It is really that simple. This simple pulsing in and out, off and on, is the fundamental building block of creation. It flows into and out of matter in multidimensional waves. The speed of the pulsing describes the state of creation of these waves. At the fastest speeds, they form the most basic of awarenesses and the most inclusive, spirit. At the slowest speed, these waves form the most dense and most individuated and exclusive form, matter. Whatever rate of vibration or frequency, ALL THAT IS, is in constant interaction with itself.

As humans, you have the perceptual ability to be aware of every frequency from the fastest to the slowest. You have different areas within yourself to sense these awarenesses. Those areas have been referred to as bodies. They are basically rallying points for awareness. As you practice using the senses of each "body", you shift the location of the rallying point of all of them into a faster rate of vibration to which they have access. For example, as you become more emotionally open and able to access your feelings which lay beneath the top layer of emotions such as the fear beneath your anger, you become able to experience more subtle physical and emotional sensations. This ripples upwards into the mental body, using the increased stimulation to expand your thinking. You are enlivened as the spiritual body reaches into higher frequencies as well. These bodies now function at a faster vibration. You have learned! Focusing on just one body, like many people focus on the physical body alone, still sparks evolution. Focusing on all four at once sparks accelerated growth rates that can bring you to experience wholeness. Carrying this description further, if you increase the frequency that any body can sense high enough, the rest follow and you perceive inspiration with the mental body, thought with the emotional body, and feelings with the physical body. From there, it is a short leap into ascension, or the full immersion of the physical body into the emotional realm. Emotion being the realm of energy, you physically (an analogy at best) become energy. As humans do not see energy as a rule, you disappear. Poof!

But how to get there from here? The most vital attribute you need to accomplish this is fluidity. The ability to flow from one frequency rate to another without blocking the flow of nature is crucial to this effort. This act is what we refer to as shifting frequency or resonating. Each encounter in your life is an opportunity to resonate with a new pattern. Even seeing the same person twice offers brand new patterns for you to resonate with. In order to even perceive a person or event, you must be able to shift the frequency of your consciousness to create an intersection with the essence of that person or event. To relate to that person or event, you must shift even more subtly and achieve a degree of empathy. To love that person or event you must shift enough to begin to identify with them. The more completely you can resonate your frequency to match theirs, the more fully and joyfully you are able to love the whole encounter.

Keep in mind that what is occurring is an interaction in spirit taking on a physical representation for you to experience. There is no real danger to you in any encounter. The identity you seek is with spirit after all and spirit is ONE Being. You can safely throw yourself into resonance with any person or event without fear of losing an all inclusive identity.

So how can you learn to intentionally shift frequencies to resonate with everything you encounter? Remember that the reason to do so is so that you can love everything. The key to the answer lies in the question. Intentionally! By opening yourself to the essence of an event or a person with the intent to resonate, you will be able to experience that essence to the extent of your perception. Fluidity is vital here and that may take some practice. You have been practising all along so that is no big deal. What is a big deal is that you have been practising blocking this process since birth and that practice must be countered. We promise that blocking out the experience of pain on any level only appears to be effective. The acceptance of all experience is the ultimate goal. Making that goal a conscious intent sets up an internal resonance that will draw to you higher frequencies and you will soon be relieved of all pain. It takes some practice to learn to trust this. As evolving into higher frequencies is the ultimate objective (God's Will) of life itself, that trust will be encouraged by the evidence of your senses.

In order to push outside of the envelope of your sensory boundaries, we have the following suggestions:

On the physical level, we suggest placing yourself in the path of more subtle stimuli. Experience profound states of rest such as meditation and yoga, subtle forms of exercise such as Tai Chi or Tensegrity, subtle flavors in natural foods like whole grains and vegetables and various herbal preparations, a range of bodily sensations from acupuncture and therapeutic massage to varieties in lovemaking styles. Throw yourself into the physical sensation of every activity and get to know your senses intimately. You will find that what offers you more subtle shades of sensation is also therapeutic to your state of health. Your physical body is a creation of spirit. It is Good and sacred intrinsically. Offering your body pleasure honors that sacredness. The gross pleasures, you will find, will mute the sensitivity of your senses and it will become easier to choose the more subtle and delicious pleasures as you pursue this activity. There is no greater balm to physical pain than the acceptance of genuine pleasure. Don't hold back! If you find yourself wanting to deny yourself pleasure, don't relent. Really look at your reasons for wanting to shut down your sensations. Those reasons will tell you much about your present emotional matrix.

In your emotional body, we suggest you afford yourself equal opportunity to explore the subtleties. Experience profound emotional peace in meditation and prayer. Open yourself to the emotional impact of stories and personalities in your entertainment choices. For example, when viewing a movie with high emotional content, open yourself to feeling each character's emotions as if they were your own. This will cause your emotional body to shift frequencies often and dramatically. At first you might place yourself imaginatively into the character's situation and feel what you might feel in such circumstances. Then you might open yourself to what the characters themselves feel. Then you can try to feel what the actors feel in portraying those emotions and actions. This exploration is great fun! That is why they call it entertainment. Continue this exploration into your direct interactions with others, first projecting yourself into their circumstances, then opening to a direct exploration of their feelings and finally to see their lives from the perspective of their souls.

The most valuable effort in this body could be thought of as emotional clearing. It involves allowing yourself to truly feel your feelings and embrace them. By looking for the feelings beneath the surface, you will come to see the joyful pulsing of life force beneath even anger and grief. Remember that blocking the flow of any feeling, like blocking the experience of physical pain, ties that feeling to you and it will build to crisis levels unless released willingly. When you allow yourself to explore your feelings fully, you will find that the present experience will open you up to your past and even more subtle experiences of like feelings. Allow and express what you feel right now and you can get to the deeper emotional matrix which lies in your past and explore there. Those are less dense frequencies of emotional energy. Practice there affords you the sensitivity to investigate higher frequencies in your present. Bringing in higher frequencies in your present offers healing to your past and a growth spiral is stimulated.

We are aware that this exploration is highly charged for most people. The very idea of feeling and expressing emotion is anathema to your culture. It is a vital area of exploration though and we cannot overemphasize its value. This is a job best not done alone. Enlist the people around you by expressing yourself as freely as possible. You will quickly find others who will support that expression. Life is like that remember?

On to the mental body where we suggest exploring more subtle layers of thought through meditation and a wide variety of reading, learning activities, Internet surfing and stimulating conversation. If you have read this far, you likely have a habit of pushing your mind into more subtle areas. We suggest you push yourself even more by asking in meditative states to understand your life experience on more subtle levels as well. You might wish to pursue channelling, shamanic journeying, dream manipulation and interpretation, tarot reading or astrology. Any of these arts will push you into higher frequencies. Exploring art in your life in any way will engage a wider range of mental input. The idea level of All Things is accessible to you. Look for that layer of existence in everything you encounter. Push your imagination into grasping the patterns latent in all things. Don't be afraid to be wrong. Coming to see the underlying patterns in an event or a cultural trend or in your own actions will require practice and intent.

Raising your access to higher frequency from the spiritual body is at once the easiest and the most difficult to accomplish. Of course, that being the nature of spirit, to be paradoxical, this might not be surprising. Because this level of vibration is the most distant from your physical self, you spend less time and effort here. Simply, invest, or spend, more. Create more spiritual exercise in your life. Again, we recommend meditation, be it walking, sitting, eyes open or closed, with chanting or background music or silence or all of these and more. The whole point of meditation is to open yourself to the spirit within. The very intent raises the frequency of your consciousness. Much of this work we are doing together is aimed at opening to your spiritual body. Even merely considering the ideas we have offered you stimulates that process. We do suggest referring to this perspective at every turn. The flow of spirit from this portion of yourself is always present. You could not survive without it. Consciously looking for evidence of this flow is a most vital spiritual exercise and can be referred to as constant meditation. It is very addictive. It becomes a habit, requiring no effort, very quickly.

Now, as we discussed earlier, you have created yourself! You are, indeed, God! In each and every moment you create an entire infinite universe which spans eternity and infinite dimensions of experience. Your integrity as a being is inviolate. You are God! Anything you experience in your life is entirely your creation. Other people? They ARE you! Your interactions are perfectly designed to provide you with the very next step in your movement back to Oneness. It may not always appear that way on the surface. We suggest that you look beneath the surface of events. The path you follow is there somewhere beneath your feet. You can follow no other save that you can go kicking and screaming if you insist. Your life is a construct of spirit. You generally lack that perspective. It may be wise to go along willingly.

You are never at the mercy of other people or events. You only perceive what you resonate with. You do not "take in" other people's energies. To assume that you do is an attempt to deny those energies in yourself. Experiences that may seem to be explained so are simple matters of resonance. You have begun to vibrate to a similar frequency as those others. This is because you are able to. You are also able to vibrate at many other frequencies. You know what it feels like to feel good. Recall that feeling and keep recalling it until you once more acclimatise to it. Every time you push your rate of vibration into higher frequencies, your base rate, so to speak, goes up. That means you feel generally happier and more fulfilled. When you feel crappy, looking into the more subtle layers of your feelings, seeing your situation from a higher perspective and reaching for a detached point of view, will raise you out of that state of being in a most rapid fashion.

This may be a very different view point than what you have been taught to believe about life. The fears of victimhood that you have been learning since birth can be applied to every facet of your life. It is the basis of the general insistence that the world be a place of justice. It powers the belief in Karma. It is the foundation of the belief in Cause and Effect. It is the root of the belief in spirit influence or possession. It sits on your Root Chakra, insisting that you cannot keep yourself alive from day to day without help from others or from divine intervention. This fundamental distrust of self is the natural result of Belief itself.

You see, the act of believing is self limiting. It is indeed what structures your world. It is the essential ingredient that follows you into the cycle of incarnation. It locks you into the thrust into matter that you scramble now to complete with ascension. It matters little what you believe. The simple act of believing blocks you from knowing. Knowing comes directly from your spiritual self. You cannot know something which defies your beliefs. You cannot perceive something which defies your beliefs. Hence, you cannot verify or validate a knowing even if you could access it, unless you act upon it as if you believed it. This cannot be faked either. It would have to be lived as a true belief to see its manifestation.

The most important practice you can maintain in life is to suspend belief. Actively and consciously refuse to blindly accept the contents of your belief systems. Begin to see your most deep seated beliefs as the barriers which they are. As spirit shines through you as a being on its way to being manifested in three dimensional reality, it shines through the filter of your beliefs located in the spiritual body. Remember the meditation inside the spheres. Each body acts as a filter through which cosmic light, or spirit, projects into you. The spiritual body holds the filter of belief, the mental body holds the patterns of thought, the emotional body holds the matrix of feelings (energy) and the physical body is the summation of these increasingly slower impulses. Just as you monitor your thoughts to trace the patterns in them, you can follow these patterns to your beliefs about life and yourself. Each belief you find can be replaced with love. You ARE love. God is Love. All of creation is love. Each time you choose this transforming belief, "I am love", you raise your frequency by huge steps. Your aspirations skyrocket, your peace and joy soar.

Believing yourself to be love in a loving universe will transform your experience of life like no other affirmation. It is a statement of complete trust. It opens you to all experience, blocking none. The whole point of the spiritual journey is to live out this universal experience. You are love. You are the very same experience as every other awareness in creation. You presently block that experience but that need not be so. It is safe to drop all the barriers, to suspend all belief save this one. Yes, your reality will change, but it will still include the one you now know as it will include all. As your experience of love deepens with this affirmation in action, you will be pushed to redefine your perception of reality. The metaphoric nature of each layer of reality will become more clear and your trust and courage will grow.

Eventually, you will reach a state of being where trust becomes intrinsic to your nature and even this belief can be dropped in favor of flowing with the Divine Will of Creation. Until that time though, identifying with the overall perception of the universe is a fine way to live. As you become more accustomed to perceiving people and events as one with yourself, you will begin to recognize that the thoughts and actions of all creatures constitute the shifting of resonance into and out of various frequencies of vibration. Each individual of each species has unique skills for such shifting. By practising more fluid changes in frequency within yourself, you become more able to resonate with people and things and events that you choose. Your increased inner awareness of what you most need in the moment to further your growth will bring you to ever growing joyful circumstances and situations. Your willingness to find joy in what is will keep that movement into joyfulness on a steady course. To be yourself, be love in the world. It is the essence of who you are, expansive and open. Your greatest happiness is at hand.

To Chapter Eight

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