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Life is Nothing Personal:

The View from the Soul


So, What Is Reality? ............Huh?

Perhaps our words appear to be contradictory. We have offered you a description of reality as impersonal, infinite in scope and accessible only by stepping out of your human preconceptions into the wholeness of self within the silence of your conscious self. Now we have shown you a way to see your world as a self created construct that you can consciously participate in designing, an intensely personal universe. How can you reconcile such a paradox?

Consider the phrase, “Your World Is a Metaphor.” Consider that the vastness of your capacity to experience reality has self-imposed limits based upon your definitions of what is real. Every experience that you consciously participate in holds an infinite volume of spirit. Any moment of experience which does not embrace that fullness of essence will be merely a metaphoric representation of the whole. Not simply the physical world but the emotional and mental realms too are paltry shadows of the full light of God. These shadows are very compelling. You get caught up in them easily. You have come to believe them to be more real than your self in many cases. You have defined the physical world as being able to endure beyond your life span. You doubt that you will endure beyond your physical body. You will, though, for the you that experiences life is so much more than the metaphors which have passed for reality in your life up to now.

Our entire purpose in offering you instruction in becoming a conscious participant in the process of creating your daily physical life has been to encourage your developing trust in that larger portion of yourself. As you see the demonstration that the larger portion of your self supports you totally, providing for you everything that you truly desire, conflicts and all, your willingness to expand your conscious awareness into who you really are will grow. You already are an infinite being, without limits. As we touched upon in chapter 4, you are maintaining the form you call human because you deeply distrust the formlessness you call divine. The fear of losing the identity you know holds back your expansion into larger, more inclusive, states of being. Your very existence in physical form is a constant stream of what you would call miracles. Each moment of your existence is the result of spirit creating matter through acts of will, in other words, magic. Your science is simply a refusal to allow magic because magic is not entirely under your control. So, we show you how to control a process that is entirely magical.

By working directly with your spiritual self, developing a relationship with the you that experiences life, you will come to feel, recognize and learn to flow with the creative expression that you are. You will learn to trust that you are safe. Exploring the unknown is inherently frightening to you and we applaud you your courage. It is also the only game in town. Even the most mundane existence is fraught with instances of such exploration. Every time you step out of your door or climb out of bed for that matter, you face the unknown future. Reaching deep within yourself for the subtle but powerful drive to fulfill your deepest intents, well, that is an awesome effort. However, it only looks risky from your perspective in a relative world.

When we spoke at the start, of reality being non-personal, part of our meaning was that all of the judgements about the value of things, good/bad, pleasure/pain, big/little and so on, have no meaning beyond the experiential, relative world. As you practice reaching out to touch the essence of things, you do so unconditionally. The essence of things has no boundaries that you can perceive

There can be no comparisons within essence because essence contains all. At essence, we are all one. The unknown is only risky because you perceive the wholeness incompletely. You see yourself as separate and so all else is unknown. You perceive that there is something to be risked. You perceive death and life can be at risk. If you really perceive life, not just its semblance but its essence, death would have an entirely different and new meaning. So, when you are confronted by your fear of the unknown, become as unconditional as you can. Open your heart and embrace what is. You cannot lose your fear, nothing is ever lost, but you can embrace it as part of the wholeness that you are.


Relax in your seat as you read this next passage release your preconceived notions, suspend your judgements. Stretch your awareness out toward the infinite. It will go there if you desire it to. Imagine for a moment a God. So vast in all dimensions is He that Her body encompasses all of the physical universe you know or can imagine. So vast in all dimensions is She that Its mind conceives of all of the possibilities that infinity offers, no exceptions, no deletions. So vast in all dimensions is It that His mind can embrace this infinite potential all at once, no exceptions or deletions. Every particle of reality is within Her, be it thing or idea. Every piece of awareness is intimately known to Him. Every self aware identity is God in miniature. He is throwing Herself entirely into Its own existence just as you do. You imbue every aspect of your conscious self with your attention. You explore the unknown aspects of your unconscious life by turning your attention to them and making them conscious. Imagine a God, fully conscious of Herself, attending to infinity in its wholeness.

Without that attention, infinity would not exist and neither would you. Imagine now this all knowing, all loving and all powerful God throwing Itself into each particle of self awareness within Her self. He experiences directly each portion of identity within Its being. She experiences each particle of self awareness in Its intimate self definition as well as in Its wholeness as part of Himself. She experiences every minute conscious spark within Her. Every speck of awareness within each identity, or entity, has a self-definition. All of the cells within your body have a life and awareness of their own. Each magnitude of identity, such as atoms, molecules, cells, organs, persons, species, planets, etc. has its own self-definition. Within that definition it co-operates with all other identities to participate in larger organizations of awareness, just as you participate in humanity, in planet Earth and in God.

God, so vast and powerful, is not only aware of what goes on inside you, She IS what goes on inside you. He is the only participant in your existence. It is the power and awareness of all that you are aware of and all of what you are. Every thought that you think is Her thought. Every feeling that you have is Its feeling. Every beat of your heart is His heartbeat. Feel Her now. There is nothing in your existence which is not God, including the thought that You are NOT God. It is only that thought which separates you from ALL THAT IS. If anything could qualify as Lucifer in this universe, it is this one thought, “I AM NOT GOD!”

And yet, even the NOT is of God. That is why you can actually believe that you are not God and still continue to exist. You can stand against God, metaphorically and still draw breath in a world of your own creating. The desire to not be, to expand into the infinite, void of identity, is what drives evolution on all levels. Your fundamental desire is to be NOT. The desire is beyond thought, rational or otherwise. You can grasp it from essence, but not from more conflicted experience. The desire is not to die or be removed from the cosmos. It is to experience completeness, without identity, that evolution takes place. We suggest you go back to our description of an infinite awareness we called God. Practice reaching for this idea in all of its fullness with your mind. Feel this identity with your emotional body. Identify with this vast intelligence, this infinite beingness. Let God look at the world through your eyes. Feel Her being you and vice versa. This is not hard work. The attention you give to it will lead to happy places throughout. The state that you contemplate and label Godhood is who you are. It is not separate from you but you do not offer that state your attention. Without owning this largest part of your identity, reality can only be small and personal and remarkably out of your control.

The reality of God is as far beyond words as the human brain is beyond the hydrogen atom. Still, it is not beyond you or your awareness. You are never removed from it in any part. Making this the focus of your attention brings your wholeness as God into your reality. The more you concentrate your identity on this exalted state, the larger and more inclusive even your daily life becomes. You will not lose your present sense of reality by turning towards the infinite. Nothing is ever lost. You simply expand.

Even though we cannot accurately describe infinity with words, we can indicate that what you think is real is merely a drop of water in the ocean. Of course, you are not wrong to hold limited ideas. All ideas, feelings, sensations etc., are real and valid. Even the idea, “That’s all there is,” is valid. Such an idea encloses you in a box that shuts out the infinite most effectively, thus proving itself true. What you think is real, is real. It is so real that you must make a monumental effort to question its reality. Like exercising your physical body, the more you do the more you can do. As you go through your days, every thought you experience expands into new universes. Every bit of awareness in the sea of infinity expands endlessly, drawing more of itself into itself and becoming more complexly organized. Each new creation then expands in all directions as well. You, too, are such a creation, expanding infinitely into all directions and all dimensions in every moment. Your very existence creates infinite numbers of infinite universes. How small the universe you have lived in consciously.

Your direct experience of reality is all you can truly call your universe. It is real and valid and bound only by your beliefs about it. Each experience is the direct result of your definitions of your self, your place in the universe and the nature of the universe you occupy. The composite of all of that is all that you can experience. Take, for instance, your perceptions of another person. Although there are some intersections between your perceptions of them and their perceptions of themselves, there are great divergences also. You can never really access their inner reality after all. Still, both of these experiences of them are valid. Your perceptions of them are springing from your internal universe just as their perceptions of themselves spring from their internal universe. Therefore, some of your perceptions will be accurate and others a pure reflection of you alone. Still others will be a mix of who they are and who you are. The source of your perceptions, though, no matter how accurate they may be, is you. All of your perceptions will be a reflection of you. You will just happen to perceive parts of their reality sometimes. The fun part is that your perceptions of the other person have a life of their own. How much life will be a function of your energetic investment, how much time, energy, thought and passion you spend upon your essential interaction with them. Those in your life upon whom you lavish the most attention, both in their presence and their absence, inspire your creation of real and valid beings in their own right, extensions of your soul into the fabric of reality.

Now, such an occurrence does not negate the reality of the other person. This is an expanding construct of your reality we are discussing. Their reality is another matter entirely. Even while you interact with each other, they are constructing a version of you and imbuing it with their soul’s identity in just the same fashion. When you hear tales about the sanctity of sexuality and its potential dangers, what is being described, in often vivid and fearful terms, is a degree of perception of you that is being created and expanded into infinity. Someone whose contact with you is light and impersonal will place a subtle, idea based version of you into creation. They only have an idea of you to work with. When you are concerned with someone’s idea of you, you will interact with this version of you to some extent, comparing your present idea of yourself with this version that another person has created. That version of you exists independent of either of you. You need not be attending to the person who generated this version of you, their thoughts or feelings about you. Your attention to how others, in general, think of you will bring this interaction into your life.

Now, if you have a relationship which involves your emotions and more importantly, for this discussion, their emotions, an even larger and more lively version of you will be created, fed by their memories of you and your mutual relationship. This will affect your life even more because how people feel about you is even more of a concern to you than how they think of you. It is more visceral and vital and it occupies more of your inner life. The physical memory, then, the feel of you, the smell of you, the taste of you and the memory of your touch; these are even more charged energies from which to create this other version of you. So much more of your identity will interact with such a well developed and physicalized version. Every contact, mental, emotional, or physical, with any other person which includes your attention to how another will respond to you will be touched by this version of you created by another, even if they are long past an active role in your life. If that version includes some strongly “negative” or harsh perspective, insensitivity, selfishness or downright brutality, for example, you will feel that and be challenged by it throughout your life to one degree or another. Like your own fears, you may learn to embrace and release this world view in your present, but its independent existence will be experienced. It is from this reality that deeply felt concepts like honour and morality and, on the other side of the coin, guilt spring forth. Honorable action provides a cushion against the potential pain of another person’s created version of you. The pain and anger which another person’s version of you contains can inspire tremendous guilt and anguish if you include them into your identity. Knowing you have acted honorably helps you to detach from how others perceive you, both now and years after your relationship to them has ended.

If another person’s version of you has independent reality, imagine how powerful your independent version of you can be. While you walk around embodying that version, the mental, emotional and spiritual aspects of that version are expanding and traversing their own dimensions of the universe. Here in the mental and emotional dimensions they influence your choices, encouraging you to make the future identical to the past. That version of you adds structure to your thoughts and feelings. It can, if you allow it to, bring you to almost a halt in your growth into your wholeness. This is not YOU that you converse with constantly. It is the you that was, even if only just a moment ago. This conversation with the you just past holds you in linear time. You, in each moment, have this moment and the moment just past occupying your attention. This shapes your perception of reality into the linear. Time, solidity, cause and effect, all of the “Laws” of the universe, spring forth from this highly personal internal dialogue. None of this accurately describes REALITY. Life is Nothing Personal. You will not touch that vast reality until you shut off this conversation. Sorry!

This version of you is so valid and independently real that sensitive people around you can touch it and interact with it directly. You would call this “psychic” and define it in widely various ways. Often, such direct contacts are defined as interactions with “ghosts,” as though people might stay partially physical after their deaths. The independent version of a human, created so vividly, can indeed appear partially physical after its creator leaves the physical dimension. That appearance, of course, is the projection into the physical of senses in the mental and emotional bodies. As this independent version of a human being continues on its own existence, the point beyond its creators death grows more subtle and less physical. Then it will not be available even to the sensitives who experience it. That is why “ghosts” appear stuck in a small range of life activities. Back on Earth, you can banish such “ghosts” from your life by projecting them into the more subtle experience after death but you do not actually affect their independent existence. That existence is whole and beyond time’s motion. You affect only your own perceptions. These world views cannot haunt, though you can be haunted. Refuse to be haunted and they will vanish from your experience. Poof!

You can imagine then, that reading thoughts or feelings comes from this interaction as well. Your concept of Akashic Records also springs from this simple fact of reality, although it is a physicalized version of that fact. Every thought, feeling or action has independent and eternal validity. Therefore, it can be accessible if you want it badly enough. There is no piece of information which is beyond you to access. Even the most subtle secrets of infinity are available to your desire. If you are working with the information in the previous chapters, you are coming to see that even your deepest desires can be realized in a heartbeat. Nothing is too large or too subtle to be grasped and experienced. Even though reality is without limits, so too are you. You may indeed have the entirety of it.

While this version of you, which is composed of the entire gestalt of your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, memories, etc., is the one which is closest to who you are in this moment, it is not the only version of you which is available to you. Each moment of your existence creates a version of you that you leave behind as you live your next, succeeding moment. Every such past alternative of you, because each is valid and imbued with life just like your present is, has its own future which it pursues with as much passion as you seem to pursue yours. They are yours after all. Each, in turn, has choices in every moment and each of those choices is experienced by your soul. All of the potential versions of you, and as you can see their numbers are limitless, offer possible futures from which you can choose in your present moments. Your immediate past version is the one most similar to you in the present moment and so it is the most compelling and easily reached alternative. Thus you tend to do what you have always done for much of your life. Chronic second guessing of every choice results from giving in to that compulsion as a matter of habit.

As you turn toward your future at the beckoning of your soul’s desire, you have the potential futures of all of your alternate versions from which to choose. Those most similar to your present are the easiest to access. Indeed, the future cast by your present moment is as easy to access as that cast by your immediate past version. Habit determines how pulled to the past you feel. You can habitually make courageous choices toward the future as easily as you can habitually choose to stay linked to the past. It does take a wee bit more courage, but turning in the direction of your future becomes a habit, with practice. If it had not become something of a habit with you, you would be unlikely to be reading these words. If you choose to practice the material in the last chapter, you will find yourself making even larger leaps into futures farther from your immediate past moment’s potentials. After all, each potential future moment has a unique path of its own. Though your soul has a consistent focus of intent, there are infinite ways to express that intent. So, it does.

As an aside, the subject of reincarnation comes up again. Past and future lives only begin to branch off of the versions of you which contain the idea of reincarnation. The degree to which the idea is adopted as a belief will influence the potency of those expansions of your self to affect your present moment. If you believe deeply in past lives which affect your present life, they will. They will exist and they will influence your present. Should you only believe it a little, they will only affect you a little. The same will be true of the history of your planet that you accept as valid and the history of your country, your family and even your self. Your history, as well as your description of reality itself, is true for this present moment only. It is part of all that you have chosen to be right now. In the next right now, you have all of infinity to choose from. Use your imagination to stretch the range of choices you can access. Meditation is a fine way to open to this vast realm of possibility. Set aside your judgement and beliefs and just explore. Choose to explore the direction that calls to your heart and be open to whatever you might find along the way. There are no rules save those that you decide upon in the present moment.

In order to step into the reality beyond your personal reality, you will be setting aside the rule book you have created. You will be expanding beyond the structures and organizations of beings like your self. You will be letting go of all that you now hold dear, not losing it but letting it go in favour of a joy so vast that you cannot yet imagine it. This information you now peruse is left behind in that expansion. Our friend here, conduit for this material, will someday run out of words to describe the trail we have left like bread crumbs for Hansel and Gretel. Following it himself, he too will expand beyond your dimensions of existence, choosing in each moment to trust his own soul and follow. Your aspirations, too, will lead you into the vastness of your own self. They are universal in scope and compelling beyond your imaginings. Even now, versions of you, less cowed by fear, are opening to the vastness within, expanding into awareness in joyful dance and calling you home. Go with them now! Your future awaits!

On to Chapter 7

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