
























The Signs in Astrology


Here is a personality whose watchword is directness. Pointed, exhuberant, innocent and open, the ARIES natives tend to act, think and believe with all their hearts, possessing not a trace of guile unless badly afflicted. These souls have at their foundation, simple needs, possessing a child-like naivete about the ways of the world and all the charm that implies. There is tremendous strength and courage in this sign. Its natives would rather be caught dead than be caught weak. Sometimes they find it extremely difficult to back down from a dispute lest they appear weak or wrong. It is not that they lack disgression but have an overabundance of valor.

Not one to wait patiently for things to unfold, the ARIES native goes after the object of his/her desires and will not easily tolerate frustrations in reaching the goal. This is a person who is intensely self-aware. ARIES lends not depth but intensity so this awareness may be awareness of self as opposed to self-awareness. Either way,the Arian is unlikely to leave themselves out of the equation and rarely loses sight of where they fit in to the plan. These natives have an innate ability to express themselves especially about themselves and with a wonderful charm.

Chock full of creative energy, this Cardinal sign imparts the ability to channel the energy of ideas into physical form and the Arian will rarely pass up the opportunity when it presents itself.

Competitive, assertive and direct the key phrase for ARIES is: I AM!


Ruled by VENUS, Taurus embodies "The Builder". Slowly and patiently, Taurus adds layer upon layer to life to construct a reality from its dreams. A sensual creature, Taurus appreciates the senses and all they convey. They are security conscious and insist upon stability and safety in their lives. They are innately strong physically and emotionally and provide a secure life for those around them. Though they may seem plodding at times, they know where they are going and rarely waver from their goals. Taureans present a calm exterior to the world and their inner life is no different. Their emotions run very deep but are slow to change. Their loyalty is legendary and they resist change when love is concerned.

True lovers of nature, Taurus relishes light breezes and good food. People view them as large because of the strength which is so obvious to others. When Taurus finally speaks, people listen. Their advice is always well considered. Taurus is a bit possessive and loves physical comfort but is willing to earn the comfort it appreciates so. These are natural born bankers, conservative and dependable, allowing wealth to accrue in its own time and rarely do they gamble or rush where abundance is concerned. Truly the salt of the Earth, Taurus is straightforward and trustworthy and those around them can lean on them when they need to. They are the most earthy of people and are not often squeemish in the face of life's vagaries.

For Taurus the motto is: I HAVE!


Ruled by MERCURY, Gemini is quixotic and quicksilver. In fact, almost any word beginning in "quick" would suffice. They have sharp quick minds and purely love to communicate. Intensely curious, they pursue a wide range of studies through life and aren't often concerned with pursuing great depth but great breadth of information is an inherent goal. They are charming and people loving types who find a ready audience for their ideas. Though by nature more student of life than teacher, these master speakers can become fine instructors when Gemini is tempered by other factors in a chart.

Gemini is an air sign and is intellectually focused. The life of the mind is paramount to Gemini and they can at times be impractical and inconsistent but always interesting. Even when talking too much, they can change the subject with such ease and alacrity that one almost needs a program to keep up. They have tremendous range of interests but often care little for accomplishment or acquisition. Their emotional life is usually an intellectual interest as well and they can seem aloof at times and their moods shift quickly if they show at all. These folks are the life of the party. Indeed, a party always seems to follow them around.

This is the sign of the twins and its natives are of two minds about most everything. This makes them indecisive and they may seem wishy washy at times. This is the illusion cast by their ability to embrace the paradoxes of life.

For these brilliant natives the watch word is: I THINK!


Ruled by the MOON, Cancer is warm and deep and changeable. Its moods rule its life and these change like the face of the Moon. This is the Maternal principle in action. In Cancer the nurturing and supportive aspects of human life are expressed. The natives of this sign are lovers of hearth and home and place little above that in their lives. Those who seem to have higher priorities may tell you that they are pursuing other goals in order to provide for their family or build a better life.

Cancerians are highly sensitive to the emotions of those around them. In a happy and loving environment, they shine with an inner light that further brightens the surroundings. When their immediate vicinity is replete with angst and anguish though, they can wallow in the ambient pain to the point of dysfunction. Many of Cancer's natives are slow to speak of the feelings they experience so deeply. Often putting words to such heartfelt longings can be beyond them. It would be a mistake to assume their silence reveals an emotional blankness though. At heart, they are all feeling and capable of great love. When they are warm, comfortable and secure, Cancerians will shower everyone who touches their hearts with kindness, affection and support.

For this emotional water sign the watch word is: I FEEL!


Ruled by the SUN, LEO is always center stage. It is the most vital of signs and has tremendous energy. Acting from the heart, LEO'S faith and loyalty to those they love are legendary. The LEO rules his Kingdom by Divine Right and innate ability. Prode and confidence are its birthrigiht and its gifts. Leo may be a touch vain but deserves to be.

The vitality of this sign often takes the form of dramatic and energtic expression and a deeply felt love of play. Gambling and risk taking in life blossoms from the inner confidence and faith of this sign. As natural born leaders, LEOS inspire all who touch their lives to follow their example of openness and pride. They create stability wherever they go as much from their innate strength and inner quiet as from their dislike of changing and shifting conditions. They demand attention from an appreciative audience and may be hurt if ignored or unheeded. In a group of true peers, they deserve to be heard because their words and action come from a firm conviction of their truth before they are expressed.

These are, after all a special people, children of the SUN. Gregarious and charming, they add much to life.

For these triumphant warriors,the watchword is: I RULE"


Ruled by Mercury, Virgo is particular. Dot the I's and cross the T's and Virgo can be comfortable. The desire to reach perfection is strong in them. The urge to serve is also strong and the natives do it quietly and effectively. Virgo handles detail well and lends caution to its expression. There is sweetness and a lack of aggressiveness that makes them attractive. Virgos make few enemies in life and many friends due to their quiet, gentle manner.

This is the final sign in the cycle of manifestation. Its focus, like the signs that go before it, is the physical world. Virgo knows how to move things and keep them in place. It doesn;'t care so much what their nature is or why they exist. It stays attentive to size and shape and serving the needs of what lay before it in the here and now. This does not mean that people with their Sun in Virgo have no philosophy. It means that their philosophy seeks a pragmatic, physical world expression.

Virgo is a mutable sign, changeable and quixotic. With Mercury guiding its expression, Virgo can turn on a dime and give you nine cents change. Its Earthy nature stablizes it some from the constant shifting of Gemini while it keeps the natives focused and practical. They have big hearts and a strong desire to contribute to a better world. The people whose lives they touch are usually grateful for their help and their love.

For these gentle folk the watchword is: I SERVE!


These charming people sit on the Great SeeSaw of life. They pursue the eternal secret of balance in all that they attempt. This innate desire makes them always aware of both sides of every issue. They often will pick up the cause of the unattended viewpoint and appear argumentative. They really only want a balanced perspective and need to argue both sides within themselves to achieve this. As they learn to find the middle point of balnce in their lives, they become the bearers of harmony for all who touch their lives.

These natives have an innate appreciation for beauty and a well ordered home. They are naturally elegant and graceful and carry themselves with dignity even in the most coarse environements. They have a smile that uses the whole face and a lively sense of humor.

Libra is a Cardinal Air sign. Its natives are quick witted and intelligent. They often have difficulty in making decisions because the need to inspect both sides of every question is great in them. Once a decision is made, however, they are quick to put it into action. They are good intiators once their minds are made up. Librans are by nature sprinters, not long distance runners. They often do things in bursts of great energy and then need to rest with equal vigor. Much is accomplished in these bursts. This flow of energy puts great strain on the recuperative powers and the kidneys especially are a weak point. Patience and a longer view can help to keep the body healthy.

Sharp, intelligent and discerning the key phrase for Libra is: I JUDGE!


Here is a personality whose watchword is intensity. Powerful, creative and emotional, these souls may express themselves in a variety of ways, but they will have as strong an undercurrent of superiority as can be. Scorpios exhibit much mastery over their physical expression of inner activity. There is usually a calm and very poised exterior which may be masking tremendous inner energy. The few that have boisterous and bubbly personalities are still hesitant to share their inner lives with others. Only the very special get a glimpse of the Scorpio's depth.

These souls have an innate desire to reform or transform the world they live in. They have a vision of perfection to which reality "should" conform. The courage to follow this leaning is ever present in Scorpio and the risks are often not even considered. A Scorpio will act out of all their power, not pulling punches or holding back. This tendency can result in great accomplishment or much struggle in the life but never a dull moment. However the native chooses to express this intensity, those whose lives they touch will be offered glimpses of pure creative force on a regular basis.

Although they despise weakness in themselves and do not like to see it in others, they are often generous and compassionate and will extend themselves in order to help someone else. They then expect the recipient to stand on their own thereafter.

Secretive, sexual and powerful the key phrase for Scorpio is: I DESIRE!


Ruled by Jupiter, everything Sagittarius does, it does in a BIG way. Rough and tumble they are the "Tiggers" of the zodiac, bounding merrily through life with little notice to the flowers they trample along the way (or the people they bowl over inadvertently). They are most often without guile and truly lovable. Still, they are a handful at times. Sagittarius has a love for large ideas as well as large nearly everything else. They look to the big picture and care little for detail, on average. They can be fond of sharing these large ideas about life, work, society and so on with a boisterous charm and a genuine shock if met with argument.

Laughing loudly at life in all its absurdity, Sagittarius expands everything it touches making larger the joys and sorrows of every day. These are people who are rarely boring to say the least. Though they may not be natural leaders, they are prone to showing the way in a more priestly sort of way, telling us how things "should" be or were meant to be. They can sometimes speak for God Himself though that may not be their intent either. Other times that may indeed be what they mean to do but their message falls a touch short in their zeal.

This is a mutable fire sign and as such, its natives spray their zeal and exhuberance in a wide swath. They move merrily from one topic of intense exploration to another without missing a beat. They do not tarry over the details to see how their ideas apply to the nitty gritty like an earth sign might, preferring to make note of the overall meaning and moving on. Experiencing life with their whole being, their watchword is: "I PERCEIVE"


Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn innately knows that its ambitions can only be realized through hard work and self discipline. Its fundamental desire is to use the resources at hand in the most effective way possible. Its patience and farsightedness is legendary. Its natives seek leadership roles from the knowledge that they are competent to choose how the world should unfold. In fact, competence is a major issue in their lives. Though they may seem cold, these folks have an innate detachment which allows them to see a bigger picture for life and to focus on how to make life work for them.

Capricorns may hide a highly sensual nature behind their outward aloofness. They are an earth sign though and appreciate beauty as much as they appreciate truth and effectiveness. Practical by nature, they place these attributes in what seems to them to be the proper order and can patiently wait for each to have its place in the Sun. They have a special place in their hearts for hearth and home and respect their ancestors as a matter of course. They usually have an especially revered parent or authority in their upbringing and can place others on a pedestal as an authority figure until such time as this is proven unworthy. They are the mountain goat seeking the pinnacle of life in whatever sphere of activity they choose to focus on. They will not settle for less than what they know they deserve to achieve. All people and things can be seen as resources to them and they try to use these resources wisely to gain their ends.

For Capricorn the watchword is: I USE!


Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius is the Cosmic wildcard. This are the most enigmatic of the signs. Its natives are pulled by opposing forces and must choose in every moment which to align with and flow with. It is a fixed air sign which is a most unusual combination. These people genuinely dislike change and would often like the world to simply leave them alone. On the other hand, they are natural rebels, foreseeing the nature of a future social order and they very much want to work towards that new vision. This affects them personally as well. They purely despise being fenced in and made to conform. Still, they dislike equally being forced to live with the consequences of their urge for freedom. How the individual Aquarian resolves this innate conflict is a measure of the genius this sign bestows.

Most often this natural inner conflict results in flashes of genius and rebellion. These natives will let the tension of conforming to the desires of those around them build just so long before they break away with an explosive force. This is true in the realm of ideas as well. Their love for the innovative and unusual comes from this same internal turmoil they feel in the presence of the "normal". Obviously, this trait offers much to the world, a world starving for vision and unrestrained foresight. These natives have a fondness for technology or metaphysics or extreme sports depending on how they are bent. The new and exciting is the appeal for them. They can be fearless in exploring such innovation partially because they like the way such exploration looks to others and partially because it holds the fascination of the unexpected.

On a personal level, Aquarians can appear detached and a little distracted. The air sign brings an aloofness to their emotional nature and their innate discomfort with the changeability of their own feelings. This sends them further in the direction of detachment. These are the absent-minded professor types who may be brilliant theorists but sometimes forget to wear socks to work. Their minds move much faster than their lives and so they sometimes miss what is right in front of them. This is part of their charm though and they accept it with grace. These natives are among the most difficult to stir to angry display and so pleasant that one would be unlikely to want to do so anyway.

They live in the realm of the mind and their motto is: "I KNOW!"


Ruled by NEPTUNE, PISCES is the epitomy of depth. Sensitive and emotional, these people have an inbred understanding of self sacrifice. The physical world is not their natural habitat and their need to escape it occasionally is great. PISCES has the ability to "go with the flow" that the rest of us can only envy. On the other hand, when they fight the flow like the rest of tend to do, they suffer greatly.

This is the sign with the widest focus, manifesting universal principles in clearest fashion. As such, its natives can seem starry eyed and idealistic. They bring to earth the understanding of universal love and true compassion in its many forms. Understandably, they can get lost in this vast source of feelings. When their inner direction becomes vague, they founder and turn to escape through fantasy or soporifics. Finding their center and direction through reconnecting with their true selves, they lead they way back to wholeness for themselves and those who touch their lives.

These are good natured and compassionate people who can show the rest of us the true nature of the world around us. They live in the world of ideals and can capture those to share.

For these kind and loving souls the watchword is: I BELIEVE

For further information or to order a reading, please e-mail me, Tim Finley, at shaman@fundy.net.

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