Flight of the Eagle Shamanic Resources

Archived Journeys


Navigating Infinity

Chapter 10

Perfection? It's About Being Awake!

In the last exercise, you traversed the High Mental Body several times, coming and going. You used High Mental Body conceptualizations to accomplish this travel. You gathered infinite resources into your consciousness to accompany you, all of it willing to participate and as gleeful as you to take part. From your perspective, the moments spent in silence were short burst between transitions through dream-like thought; vast conceptualizations and the recognition that you had lost the mantra of "I AM". Your return to thinking brought you back down the ladder to the point of noticing your body and in the rush you passed through layers of feeling and judgement and discomfort. It seemed to sap the energy to call forth to include your world and so many related selves. Like all activity, the more you do the more you can do. Like all activity, there is no right way to do any of this either. Each time will be different and the frequency of repetitions will vary.

Now, the title of this chapter speaks volumes and will be pretty much the whole chapter. However, we shall ramble anyway. As we have recently reiterated, there is nothing important about your world or about you, your family or humankind. All exist only because infinity is complete yet ever expanding. It would not be infinite without you and your worlds. All possible worlds and all possible "yous" exist in the vast present as well. All are equally valid and constantly exposed to the unconditional love of infinite expansion, the "I AM". You have imposed right and wrong upon that endless landscape of infinity. You have done this to assuage your primal fear of dissolution.

So, kudos to you for stepping through the most basic fears into silence. Each pass brings more trust and even a little disappointment upon your return. You want more after all. As you connect to the "I AM" you touch the source of eternal joy. It pulls you into silence as the natural consequence of consciousness. It pulls you in and pops you out. No effort on your part is required. You immediately reconstruct your familiar world and its linear motion of time and assume a short period of absence in order to maintain your world view. Still, your twenty minutes of sitting sure held a lot of data!

Those brief moments of silence were, in truth, timeless. They are encounters with limitlessness and they point you toward the most basic truths of existence. You are, at your core, completely free to be whatever you choose. You re-emerge from communing to the being you have chosen to be through habit and fear of change. You are a context more than a being, a context through which infinite awareness pours. Your parameters are arbitrary. You would barely recognize the "person" you were twenty years ago were you to be suddenly thrust back to his world. Your choices have chipped away at the infrastructure of your mind and personality. The refined sculpture of today illustrates both process and goal. Still, you perceive the imperfections more clearly than ever and respond to them as though they matter.

All of your experiences in life, both the perceived highs and lows, have served a single purpose in line with the fundamental flow of life itself. They are burgeoning moments of awareness, opportunities to be more fully conscious of SELF. There is no other purpose to existence. This is the primal Intent! This is the most basic desire of the "I AM"; to know SELF. The very moment point of primal consciousness is to know SELF. From this springs all that you are, ALL THAT IS!

Universes do not evolve toward perfection. Infinity is already perfect. It is One! All is included and expanding at once. Infinity is whole. It is and is not; timeless and everlasting. There is nothing to be done to contribute to that. You can strive to be better, smarter, wealthier, prettier and so on, based on your predilections and beliefs, but there is no requirement from God, no universal truth to be played out or fulfilled. The deep desire that drives all of the human condition is to be conscious of SELF. Each hardship, each joy, is another chance to be more fully aware. Every thought, every urge, every twang of pain is an opportunity to open more to the wholeness of now.

And so, we again urge you to practice. Open to the moment by questioning your beliefs as they arise. Compare your daily flow of desire with your highest aspirations. Measure your thoughts and feelings by the yardstick of "How do I be more conscious?" This will fulfill the true urge at the root of each moment's experience. Thus you will open to the ways that you stop true SELF-awareness and the cascades of fear that have been built into protective walls in your heart and mind. Use each experience as an opportunity to know your SELF more fully. Do not bother straining to be better, just open up and "Be Here Now"! Let down your barriers and express who you are in the present. The joy in the present will be apparent and will power all the "improvement" you will need.

Having said that we will look again at this word we have used so much to entice and elucidate. Joy, like love or fear or many other charged words, has so broad a range of definitions and applications as to be practically useless except as a goad to your learning curve. The closer you get to the "I AM", the more deeply meaningful it becomes. The experience of joy at such a profound depth is substantially different than at more superficial levels of experience. Its impulses through your Emotional Body are practically overwhelming. Indeed, you have many times seen in yourself and others great efforts made to suppress and control the flow of emotional joy. For something so wonderful, it is amazing the energy that can be exerted to staunch its experience and expression. By the time joy reaches down to your body, the mass of conflicting desires in your identity have grown quite substantial and so with resistance comes a cascade of feelings complete with pain and fear. You also know the flow of joy in mental body experience as bursts of understanding and flows of large concepts fitting together to excite and illuminate. Eventually, such movements filter down into emotions but they begin as more subtle stuff, more pops than explosions. In recent times, as you commune more fully in the "I AM", you are finding joy to be ultimate peacefulness. There is no fear to hold back from, no need for faith or restraint. It is only as it filters through thoughts and feelings that it takes on charge and conflicts. In its primal moment, joy is equal to all experience, the bliss of pure spirit. It is comfort, wholeness and perfection. It lasts forever and never can be taken away. It is absolutely silent! Indescribable! It is where you are from and to where you return.

When you practice being joyful in your daily life, you open to the primal experience that you yearn for in meditation. Your awareness expands as you reach for this infinite source of joy. In your moments of emotional joy you get to observe the perfection expressed in daily life. You get to see that joy and love are the same flow. They intertwine in the helix of their motion into creation. The pull of fear keeps them circling each other through consciousness as life unfolds. Round and round, ever expanding, they create this marvelous expanse of living creation. With the contracting force of fear binding them together, love and experience cycle round each other in the primal dance. This spirit breathes into everything! It is your birthright, your destiny and your playground. Enjoy!

So, let us use joy as the focal point for exploring the psyche more fully. You are quite conversant in the experience of joy in the physical body. You have learned to create orgasmic waves throughout your entire body. You have learned to conjure growing spheres of sensation through your chakras, full gustatory explosions of wondrous enjoyment. You have opened to great sweeps of loving pouring through you with each touch, with each emotional wave. You can sit in a crowded room, open your Heart chakra and be filled by the charge of each and every life sharing your space. Love fills and permeates your whole body and you have learned to be open to it willfully. All of your physical senses open to beauty and wholeness in such moments. The power of these moments can overwhelm and your concentration can abate but you do know how to create the experience and soon enough do so.

In your High Emotional Body, your senses work somewhat differently and with more subtlety. Emotional energy being more quixotic than physical energy, it tends to be more of a mixture of various waves of motion. Fully focused waves of either joy or fear are actually fairly rare in spite of the fact that less sensitive consciousness sees them only. They are dramatic and compelling but most often mitigated by complexes of conflicting feelings. Being in love, for instance, has many all-consuming moments where every sensation in the physical holds overwhelming beauty and meaningfulness. Your High Emotional Body senses focus tightly so that no conflicting impulse can interfere. You feel the full familiarity with the beloved, all foreignness ignored. You open wholly to the moment with no thought to the future. You perceive the luscious glow of the beloved and bask in it unabashedly. You feel what they feel without judgement. You sense the patterned flow of their circumstances without the details of their life being considered. Obviously, these openings are pulses, temporary and powerful and destined to cascade back into a more balanced perspective after a commensurate dip into doubt and fear and the search for rational explanation and questioning. Still, the important part is the momentary awareness of your High Emotional Body's senses being front and center.

These same senses operate constantly, of course. They are active under the surface while you are absorbed in the physical identification of yourself. Before emotions affect your hormones, every cell, and thus, every physical sensation, they pulse and intermingle and form the electro-magnetic structure around which your body and your life circumstances gather. As you mature and practice, you become more able to notice, differentiate and identify these flows by using the senses innate in the High Emotional Body.

As emotional waves are constructed from thoughts, they gain density with words attached. Comparable to hearing, is a clairaudient sense that captures the labels of your feelings and around which all of your experience with these words/symbols will gather. As a wave of feeling sweeps through your consciousness with the word "bully" thus attached, all of your past emotions that resonate to the word get sparked and set into motion to add to the present moment. They self select as the waves move through. Your ability to hear and know the key word at the core determine how fully aware you are throughout. The drive to wholeness which structures and empowers the experience will be added and speeded by your active participation and open willingness. You can then perceive the beginnings of the experience as well as its crescendo and resolution. Keep in mind that the norm for this experience is to be unaware of the onset of feeling states until they are embedded in your body and overwhelm you. Sensitivity to this capture by word sense can afford you the chance to observe your emotional experience in its infancy and even make internal changes toward the feeling states you prefer.

You achieve this kind of familiarity with this subtle sense through the practice of recapitulation and inculcation. These are fancy words for going over events again and again in search of understanding. The process includes being open to taking responsibility for your internal experience and the emotions generated and then attempting to learn from them so as to identify the content and context earlier. So, talking about your feelings without projecting them outwards or blaming others for them are important efforts. Seek to perceive how the pieces fit together and what attitudes bring them to wholeness. After being "bullied" for instance, identify your feelings, sorting openly, observing your responses and capturing past experiences sparked by them. Look to the feelings, considerably more subtle, that preceded the interaction and see how some of them resonate, how they contribute to the ensuing actions. Look for responses to the feelings that bring about actions that serve and resolve and thus create wholeness instead of repressing and perpetuating.

Now we promised to use joy but your recent experience at work is too clear an example to gloss over. Your interaction with the bully (and you know her as such) earlier in the day, had you on eggshells a bit as you requested her help. It was a polite exchange and you were duly grateful. Still, you were cautious throughout and looking for things to go wrong. (Your history with the topic goes way back into childhood after all.) This set a wave in motion which grew as your day went along albeit under the surface of your thoughts. When the powerful confrontation occurred, your shock and paralysis created a vacuum of sorts that allowed it to escalate and overwhelm you further. This was a well rehearsed response that insulates you from blame while highlighting your fear of inadequacy quite nicely. You did manage to remain calm enough to look for solutions while being verbally assaulted and sworn at. You realized that a solution lay in what you had already planned but had put off doing and many times criticized yourself for failing to complete. The threads of this experience spread and touched many memories and resonant emotions were sparked, seeking words and outlets for the energy. Experiences from other relationships came crashing in to be woven into your present and thus you had a chance to resolve and embrace. All of the words that have been attached to this gestalt of experience and led to full internal discussion are first received in your High Emotional Body, some more clearly than others.

The same dynamics play out in happier circumstances of course. They can be harder to integrate because of the same fears and doubts that powered the "bullying". If you doubt that you deserve a certain level of joy, you may call it forth but resist enough to insulate yourself to the driving impulses and attached words. Practice as we suggest and the experiences get easier to integrate and impel you toward wholeness.

The High Emotional Body sense most aligned to vision is also the most often abused as the pawn of willfulness. Visualization is a powerful tool in creating your life but it is also a powerful receptor for perceiving the patterns of creative energy. You use this sense as a path to perceiving the metaphors which structure the creation of your life and world. This is the sense that is most active in your dreams. It brings you visions of life lessons and of wishes to be fulfilled. You cast if before you to sense the future potential and to explore the options and outcomes before choosing and enacting. It engages in your emotional experience with shadings of lightness and darkness and mood.

Your most familiar exposure to visualization engages the Solar Plexus chakra and its interpretations of the impulses of the High Emotional Body. The High Emotional Body is a mostly non-existent portion of your psyche while you are centered in your physical world and functioning in the lower centers. That is why your dreams are relegated to sleep states in your immaturity. As you have opened more and more to altered states of consciousness, you have allowed the inner eyes to open and function without bodily direction. Therefore you have found creative designing easier, visual inspiration more effortless and visionary experience more commonplace and direct (not couched in metaphor).

Using the visual senses of the High Emotional Body is a Throat chakra function and less about moulding the world you occupy and more about perceiving the patterns of energy and feeling that comprise your experience. The application of will which is the norm in the Solar Plexus focus actually impedes your perception of energy flow and emotional response which contains your world. Accessing this sense from lower chakra centering can result in projections made tangible like seeing auras or ghosts. Such experience will speak more loudly about the perceiver than the perceived, however, and caution is advised. This kind of thing is common in the maturation process and learning to correctly interpret what is perceived is part of the learning curve of SELF-awareness. It is much like learning to discern the difference between the projected experience of channeling and the internal conversation with higher centers. With this sense it is easier to receive the deep inner messages of the psyche than to see the flow of invisible forces.

You are kinaesthetically attuned to the flow of energy more than visually attuned. You can feel the standing waves of people and things with greater frequency and accuracy. You can then translate them into internal imagery or physical sensation. Most often, you use this sense to shift your own patterns of resonance to fit your external circumstances and environment. Your experiences in crowds illustrate this skill most clearly. Prior to your fear and anxiety kicking in, indeed, prior to your actual immersion in a crowd, you notice the cacophony of the shifting energy flows of all the people about to share your space. You have learned to move beyond your physical body emotional responses by turning your focus to this high emotional body sense through use of heart opening techniques.

Raising your personal frequencies to the open Heart, you begin "feeling" this interweaving of the masses around you, the harmonies of purpose, culture and human condition as well as the dissonances of personhood and individuality. In this state of unconditionality, you are open to each person in your environment without judgement or defence. You can feel the streams of energy as they form pockets and swirls as well as long undulations and rapids. The individuals who engage you directly shine more brightly and openly. There is mutual attraction and comfort taking place between you and them. Your interactions while in this open state are more meaningful and enjoyable for all.

Of interest as well are the instances when you shut down these sensations and throw up your defences. Being more aware of this taking place will serve you well. There is nothing to protect. Your defences only make engagement more unpleasant. In fact, this process invariably begins before circumstances occur that seem to inspire defensiveness. Your resonance shift is much more causative than you realize. Shifting towards openness is always healthier than closing. It always results in more loving experience even with people and circumstances that you fear.

Although we used the word "feeling" to begin our discussion of this energetic sense, the line is thin between the kinesthetic sense and a sense that it is most analogous to your physical sense of smell. They are often experienced together. With "smell", you actually ingest the energetic flow of your environment and respond to its aroma and taste so to speak. It is extremely personal for you. Using this sense means ingesting energies that appear to be external to you. Great courage is called for to learn such openness, at least until you learn to trust your own integrity and wholeness.

Finally we come to the most ethereal of High Emotional Body senses. Your whole being is the organ of intuition. You experience vague and unexplainable urges in response to its perceptions. You feel disquiet and discomfort long before a harsh experience takes shape in your life. You also have rises of elation and joy before even considering an action that enhances your life. You wonder at your reticence to head off to run errands and then an important phone call comes that you would have missed had you left sooner. You change your route through town just for fun and find out later that your usual route was blocked by construction. Should you stubbornly resist the urge, you find that construction and marvel at the missed opportunity. It is difficult to identify or explain this sense's flows. They are silent and undefined. The word "intuition" gets applied to all of the Emotional Body senses because they are vague by comparison to the physical but this one in particular lives up to the title the most. Its vagueness can be mitigated by your evolving redefinition of your world and how it works. This is why you are so much more comfortable and trusting with this information which oozes its way to your consciousness.

You do not need to see energy as it flows into and out form in order to sense its motion or its meaning. Your High Emotional Body integrates the information and weaves it into your psyche in whatever ways your definitions afford in order to convey meaningfulness. This is an automatic seeming function and thus most often goes unnoticed. As your definitions evolve, though, you can become aware of more of this function and learn to interpret more directly the purpose and meaning of each experience.


Key to the evolution of your awareness is the development of the senses of your High Mental Body. The physical representations that solar plexus centering affords sharpen the intellect, vocabulary, spatial reasoning, memory functions and so forth. Academic success, however, is a poor measurement of High Mental Body intelligence and a high IQ is a poor indicator of the potential for wisdom. Still, your achievements at the level of the solar plexus do aid in your evolution toward a more complete awareness of SELF. The senses in the high mental body are obviously harder to define as such than in the coarser forms of high emotional and physical bodies. They deal with preverbal conceptualizations, fundamental iconography and all manner of subconscious information retrieval. Indeed, making your way through volumes of subconscious subtext to your life experience is the pathway to familiarity with this realm. When we began our conversations, from our end, the flow of information came to you through the senses of the High Emotional Body. You then applied your intellect to put it into context supported by your years of study. While this process continues even now, there is much more information that you access directly from our realm. Our entire relationship supports and empowers your efforts to redefine the nature of your reality which, in turn, makes conversation easier.

So, these senses that you use to explore the abstract realm of mind are most obvious to you in the pockets of silence that exist between the streams of words that course through your attention. They offer gists, senses and "grokkings" if you will, as whole ideations pour in. As with your High Emotional Body senses, your predilection is toward the sense which resonates to words. As vast conceptualizations reach your consciousness, you reach for labels and key words which you then expand toward the originating impulse. These labels may not be the first experience of particular abstractions but they are your comfort zone. That is, after all, how our discussions are possible.

Before you sit to take our dictation, you often experience our topic matter as vague concepts, hints and inspirations. Your life events nudge you towards the subject matter and then in meditation thoughts clarify and become more cohesive. The vague impulses are akin to feeling states in lower bodies although more nebulous and undefined. They apply to your physical in less concrete ways and are certainly less dramatic. They are more precursors to trends, quiet urges that are more easily identified in retrospect. When you are silent more often, you access this information more easily and fully.

The visual-like sense in the High Mental Body is the source of access to such information as the multi-dimensional pathways of creation we have described to you. You "see" the flow and interaction in infinite expansion with this sense. You "see" the in and out pulsing of the myriad "yous" gathering to support your experience and splaying outward again towards individuation. You "see" the numberless incarnations of humans on limitless earths not just co-existing but intertwining in the ebb and flow of infinity. You "see" each point in infinity expanding infinitely and thus know perfection in wholeness in brief flashes from this sense.

You also "taste" the abstract as you drink it all in. You thus internally sort the ideas that flow through your awareness, selecting these and discarding those. You sense resonance at an extremely refined level, growing more so as you learn. So, you race ever further away from the ideology of and participation in your enculturation. So much of your training no longer applies to you. Still, you do not float away!

The irony of the High Mental Body experience is that the huge interlaced conceptualizations to which you assign single words before exploring more fully in conscious thought begin in most singular fashion as icons or archetypes. The very simplest of intent forms the fundamentals of idea which, in turn, explode into infinitely large mental constructs. These you label as succinctly as possible. Then you expand and explore but so much is lost in the process. So many aberrations arise in the process as well. That is how "I AM" becomes "God". As the flow of High Mental Body impulses approach the concrete faculties, all sorts of anthropomorphic projections take shape. The feedback loops create meanings that block off the original impulses and inspire their own certainties. Eventually, the original sources of inspiration get shut off except for what flows through your certainties (beliefs). The High Mental Body is exquisitely impersonal. You can only get here by releasing your prejudices and expectations. You let go of your personhood and all the trappings of individuality to meld into this layer of awareness. As we have told you, here we are function not form, context not meaning. Indeed all of life is a function of infinity.

So, we once again encourage you to question your beliefs. Reach toward the icons from which all thoughts emerge. Look for infinity in every circumstance, every thought and urge. Do not settle for easy answers to any question. Practice silence! Your meditations, your work and your play all offer opportunities to find silence, especially if you look for it. Within the silence, you can push beyond the definitions that you have learned, definitions that hold you to solidity. Human-ness began well before matter. It is a concept to which you (all "yous") resonated and explored with overwhelming intensity. That is how you got there (matter). Reaching back before this concept arose is the path to freedom from the human form.

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