Flight of the Eagle Shamanic Resources

Archived Journeys


Navigating Infinity

Chapter 3


We have literally spoken volumes on this topic. All the focus upon your reality creation process in previous writings has hinged upon resonance as the very mechanics of creation. At your vantage point, the subject is highly complex with many mysterious facets to even the clearest examples of choice made manifest. It is through the energetic matrix of your emotions that the physical world condenses into being. Here in your Emotional Body are many pockets of choice of which you are unaware. When these dark choices are called forth, you experience life in motion that you do not expect or control. The best you can do is accept their vestiges as part of yourself and keep choosing.

The ALL of you is in every experience, in every moment. While you do have conscious input into the shape of your experience, the vast majority of its elements are formed from deeper, unknown portions of your inner SELF. The further you explore into the depths of your psyche, the more you participate in what and how you experience life. By following the "I AM" ever closer to your source, you open to the intents and impulses of spirit more and more.

More primal than ideation, the expansion of each Intent in the Spiritual Body powers the construction of all infinity. Your worlds are but a drop in the ocean. Time spent exploring the fizzing realm will liberate your thinking and speed up your frequencies of awareness allowing for greater breadth of knowledge.

The idea that you occupy a tiny portion of the endless co-existing worlds of experience in creation is hard enough to fathom. Few, in fact, in your knowledge even consider this. The awareness that you function in your worlds by resonance, moving between dimensions as you flow through your changes, is even more shrouded in mystery. As you, in your most primal state, explode from the "I AM", you interact with an increasing number of life-streams in various states of complexity. The influence of each encounter creates ever increasing complexity of consciousness, inspiring further expansion. The resonance of your consciousness begins to select some of the encounters with other bits of creation along with the random ones met along the path of becoming you. Patterns of Intent are forming. These are the basic building blocks of individuation.

As the consciousness which is you takes on gravity from its encounters, an inward turning force, it becomes, at some point, aware of primal ideation."I" and "THOU" or "ME" and "NOT ME", tend to be first thought. The recognition is powered by the "I AM", the Primal Truth. At this point, there is already tremendous complexity and individuation even with only one thought. Patterns are enacted which will shape every infinite expression of primal SELF, including your tiny little human life of which you are so fondly obsessed. Indeed, incarnation in a physical form is inherent in the first ideations of the Universe. "Destined You are!"

The primal thought of the High Mental Body offers much less variety then the `Thousand Voices` inside your mind. Basic paradoxes are the first formed. Then, like the I Ching, those primal pairings are augmented, expanded in greater complexity throughout the High Mental plane. As the intent of you reaches sufficient complexity and motion, the High Emotional Body begins to take shape. Here energy takes form and motion becomes apparent, at least to Quantum physicists. There is outward interaction that rarely is noticed in the Mental planes. The awareness of "I AM" becomes personal here. You begin to define SELF in terms of and in response to encounters with the "NOT ME".

There is constant motion between the High Mental and High Emotional states of your being. Individuation is ongoing. You share many of these interactions with other expressions of the "I AM" that you could define as part of you. There is even potential for information exchange with these other parts of your psyche, having much different lives, in much different worlds. Such intercourse will be seamless, knitted together with your "normal" thought and feeling. If you go looking for such encounters, though, you will begin to find them and recognize them. It is often just such bleed-throughs which engender projects such as this writing, as well as psychic and spiritual phenomena and which spark interest in New Age and other alternate religious perspectives.


The process that determines information gathering from within you is resonance. Although your world is nearly all the result of your construction efforts right down to every grain of sand beneath your marvelous feet, you are offered vast volumes of encounters with other life-streams in the full gamut of complexity. New people, new ideas, new possibilities arise constantly to more than amuse you. Each offers a choice to open to the most primal part of you, of everything, the "I AM".

As you learn to refine your resonance to more primal awareness, you open to a state of being which knows the equality of all expressions of the "I AM", a state of being which knows Oneness with all expressions of "I AM". By wrenching yourself out of your little world, letting go of all the dramas of your fears enacted, you can let go of the effort to control everything and perceive your world in its larger context. You have a complete vertical access to the pathway of your creation. You have focused so tightly upon the horizontal point of view because it seems so outside of you. That view has far less access of awareness for you to be able to understand its meaning. That is like counting to infinity and is unspeakably futile.

The grand paradox of this opening process is the observable fact that the more you grow aware of your resonance interactions with your primal inner psyche, the more you sense the resonance patterns in your outer world. The less you personify SELF, your body, the myriad inner aspects of your psyche, the more personal your relationships with the outside world become because the outside world IS you. You are honing your ability to resonate with people and objects in your world by extending your identity to merge with things outer more and more. In fact, you become one with other things and people through this process. This is a quite natural effect of your inner explorations. It is also fraught with potential for misunderstandings. Hence the paradox; you become larger as you become smaller, going deeper inward toward primal thought bringing you into ownership of more of All That Is. This is why monks so often live alone in caves.

The stumbling block to watch for is the distinction between relating and resonating. The former is a horizontal motion and the latter a vertical one. Relating to people and things and circumstances personalizes them. You thrust your self-definition upon them and so limit expansion. This is why change pinches so. You invest yourself into others rather than elevate SELF to include others. Relating assumes and projects the reality of "NOT ME". By now, it is also taken almost entirely for granted. A fundamental shift of approach is needed to continue your path to SELF-awareness.

On the outside, remember that the world you perceive is the projection of icons, internal movements that are basic and powerful. The world springs from you. Every aspect of the outside world is made of you stuff. Your task is to own the world you perceive and shift your awareness and its frequencies to resonate with whatever the present moment brings you. Keep in mind that being made of you stuff does not lend the world or yourself intrinsic value. You are made of the stuff of All That Is. Only by making it personal do you project value upon your body, your feelings, your thoughts and your world. Now the cascades of needs and fears which power this projection seem real enough thanks to all the practice you have had. This is simply more of the melodrama which holds no real place in your quest for SELF-awareness as it holds no weight with SELF.

On the inside, remember that these same tendencies are extant. You readily personalize and cast into form internal icons such as Soul, Angel, Devil, Inner Child, Wounded Healer and so on. You cast hierarchies of "spirit" and relate to each as distinct from you. You can even create madness and great pain by refusing to embrace your wholeness of being. The more you commune with "I AM" and bask in the primal Intent, the more aware of these icons in motion you are and the more willing to confront and clearly see them you can be. We strongly suggest that you do both. Embrace the paradox that being able to resonate with a more fundamental expression of SELF brings to the fore.

When you commune in the "I AM", you will experience more and more the oneness, at this level, with all forms of manifestation, from the most physical to the most spiritual. Hold off on projecting Self into these expressions. Be steadfast in experiencing them as universal creations in which you participate. Open to them as opposed to grasping them. Experience them as opposed to relating to them. Letting go of the contents of your awareness frees you to expand. Know that even your most dear inner icons, from which you have drawn your SELF-definitions, are mere melodramatic trivia that impede your quest into the "Ì AM".

In those moments of profound acceptance of "I AM", your world disappears. It collapses into fundamental equality from the one Source. If and when you awaken to SELF-awareness, you do so with profound peace and expanding joy. These states of being, far more deeply felt than simple emotions, carry you along as you again construct your world as seamlessly as you can. Remember that this re-creation is powered by a deep-seated fear that does not describe the nature of reality. If you allowed your world to shimmer a little before it coalesces into form, you would not be in any real danger. Indeed, you would learn new and useful things about your reality in such brief moments of clarity.

Bringing the resonance with "I AM" back into your world after communing can allow you to experience creation more directly. Instead of relating, you can more easily set aside your personhood and be equal to the people and things you conjure. By not relating, you no longer judge and assign categories such as good and bad. You see instead that the world of your creation fulfills your decisions about who you are. It is made entirely of you and just as free to evolve as you are, just as full of and deserving of love as you are.

As you read this material, you will see that these latest passages are techniques. In the acts of communing with "I AM", you have contacts with the layer of awareness that selects Intent. You have the choice at any moment to flow along with the Intent which brought you here to project an Intent to experience into your future. There will be no wild diversions of Intent that will formulate foreign worlds or scary manifestations to come. There is consistency and stability in the very structure of SELF that maintains your integrity. You can and do apply this process constantly and often with little conscious awareness. This is simply a moment point where you can choose what Intent to expand into your world. Make it a choice that you are committed to and watch the fireworks!

In earlier conversations we discussed using the principles of resonance to change and enhance your daily experience. You learned to manipulate your emotions to set up patterns in your energy field that brought people and events into your world that you consciously chose. As your goals have evolved, you will use these same principles in more subtle ways. Instead of wrenching your emotions into shapes of your choice, you will gain access and attention to attitudes that shape the human identity. You will learn to be aware of the senses that exist prior to the physical and prior to the choice to be human.With such senses open and acclimated to, you can gain the perspective which makes room for the infinite to become your new open book. The attitudes that foster the awareness you seek will draw to you, through resonance, the tools you need to live with this awareness. First though, comes the letting go.

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To: Chapter 4

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