Flight of the Eagle: The Cave

Flight of the Eagle Shamanic Resources

Archived Journeys


Navigating Infinity

Chapter 8
Cowboy Town

When you were a boy, there was an aging amusement park behind your brother's best friend's house. You got to play there a few times after it became defunct. You also got to go there to see it in full action with all of the trappings of cowboys and indians and horses, cows and sheep. There were saloons and sherriffs, outlaws and possees. For a boy of 7 it was dream-like and very real. Not too long after, it closed and all of the actors were gone. Gone too were all of the small details that made it richly compelling. What remained was a collection of false building fronts, dirt streets and empty corrals. Through these remnants of the structure of the dream, your imagination still flowed. Dramas were reenacted there by you and your friends; dramas that were still compelling and exciting.

Today your world is a more entrancing version of Cowboy Town. Through the false fronts of "reality" flow the vast creative spirit of infinity, causing constant change and enlivening every image, feeling and thought encountered. Like a dutiful tourist to the amusement park, you have suspended question and doubt. You have given credibility to the imaginary play being acted out before you. In so doing you have owned and internalized that play into an identity, making it ever more compelling.

In your future, the playground will stand empty for you to explore and populate with your imagination in full knowledge that this is your creation. You do this as a simple stage in your transition out of the gravity well of life on Earth. You will see the false fronts for what they are. You will grow cognizant of the infinite flow that impacts, shapes and enlivens them. You will come to identify with that flow more than with the structures of human life. Your creative imagination powered you through lives, circumstances, physical environments and experiences played out in the rich amusement park of Earth. You are now seeing it as a crumbling old playground that inspires enough ennui to bump you in another direction.

Your imagination remains a powerful tool to the next transition in your awareness. You have experienced it from the end from which the result emerges almost exclusively. Moving forward to the inception points of imagination reveals flows of mentation that connect you to SELF. Through the exploration you will encounter the desires and intents from which "you" spring.

Imagination is a primary sense organ of the High Mental Body. With it you can reach not only all experiences in that body but also outward into the nebulous realm of spirit. Of course, you cannot expect to express what you perceive there in words or images. Even ideas, large sweeping concepts, will only touch pieces of what you find there. Every such attempt will lead to frustration or more commonly, meaningless gibberish which even you will come to misunderstand.

The point of this pursuit is to experinece the wide funnel of imagination scouring the landscape of pre-mental motion with full and open awareness. Your senses will most often bob between the direct experience of spirit and the realm of ideation like a floating twig in churning water. Since you will not likely get to here with an agenda, whether or not you manage to make sense of your experience here is moot. Indeed, much of your experience here will mock sleep as you bob up and down, into and out of dream-like consciousness. You thus become a motive force in the impacting of infinity upon the High Mental Body, expanding every ideation encountered and reverberating throughout the collective mind of creation. Each such foray enlightens every point of consciousness in a wave spreading outward from what you think of as you.

There are new realities arising in every moment, each as valid as your own. They, in turn, will create new realities as well. You have more access to those in which you participate in a creative way. This trend affords you an expanded experience of infinity with each pass; an end in itself. This is the full circle of the flow of infinity as consciousness condenses to a single fertilized cell and ultimately expands to infinite proportions of awareness.

You have repeatedly wondered how to use this expanding awareness. Obviously, no use is required. It is an amusement park ride to be enjoyed, loved, feared, mastered and experienced. It is a selfless path that leads to expansion into SELF, the consciousness of all creation. If there is a use at all for this marvelous obsession it is to gain the freedom to step beyond the tiny little world that you have known in your tiny little life. There are no limits to this exploration, no right or wrong answers or actions. You flow into and out of Oneness just for fun, much as you always have but now you know it to be so.

You bring more and more of the totality of you along with every graceful dive into Oneness. You gather more of your probabilities, more of your affinities across time and worlds. This all happens from the inside out so no outer show is needed. Simply follow your predilections into form and your inner desires into more complete awareness. Enjoy!

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