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Life is Nothing Personal:

The View from the Soul


Resistance Is Futile! You Will Be Assimilated

The vast bulk of the internal conflicts which plague your life is the direct product of resistance to the natural flow of your self as a spiritual entity into the matter that you perceive as your reality. This resistance is to be traced to what you believe about yourself and the world which appears to be around you. Any belief which limits your divinity such as, “I’m not worthy!” or, “”I don’t deserve to be loved!” or, “I am not God!” sets up resistance to the flow begun by your primal intent. This resistance will be experienced as pain of some sort, confusion of thought, “negative” emotions or physical discomfort. If such conflicts are held over a long period of time, the suffering will worsen, perhaps becoming life threatening.

Let us call the experience of your primal intent in the wholeness of your self, your soul. Your soul is intelligent well beyond the reach of your conscious awareness. It is not a demon waiting to pounce and condemn you to an eternity in Hell. You already have a judgemental, habit driven and entirely brain-washed conscious mind to create such a Hell right here and now. No, your soul level awareness is quite divine in its nature and is masterfully creating for you a life experience which will provide all the happiness you will allow yourself to feel. The power to destroy, disrupt and disconnect from this source of daily joy lies in your waking conscious mind. Every choice you make in your life makes a statement to God of who you are and what you believe you deserve. This statement creates an energy field which, like a magnet, draws to you thoughts, feeling, people and things which fulfill that statement. It really is this simple. If you choose to touch your primal intent and accept it as your own conscious will, you begin to manifest your life experience with power and dispatch. What you want, aligned with the desire of your innermost being happens immediately.

Imagine yourself shaped like a satellite dish with your physical self out in front, seemingly leading the way. Your spiritual self, wide like the dish, forges a wide swath within which you can explore as you go through life. If your conscious choices take you wandering off the centre of the path toward one extreme or another, the main body of your being will gather you in toward the centre (point of balance) with a gentle nudge if your resistance to moving forward is mild or a sharp slap if you resist to the point of stopping or trying to flee your own best interest. All humans have this gamut of experience and there is no fault to be found in it. It just means that all humans have had pain, mild and severe. There are two main avenues of awareness which will point your way to fulfilling your soul’s agenda and thus accessing your greatest joy. First and most gratifying and pleasant is to consciously choose to seek that agenda and throw yourself into it at every turn. All that you require is the committed intent to touch that primal part of yourself. As we have discussed, your intent sets up a path before you and as that path is already your soul’s choice, it will be lovingly and freely traversed without obstacle and hardship. Eventually!

At first, or in the early stages, such a journey will present to your awareness all of your resistances to such an exalted choice. The fears you have accumulated and become addicted to will have to be dealt with and embraced and loved away. They are part of the wholeness of you. They are just as valid and deserving of love as all the other parts. They have stood apart from you by virtue of your resistance to accepting them as your own until now. Once integrated into the wholeness of you, they cease to control your thoughts and feelings and life circumstances.

So, this is the second avenue to living the life of your deepest dreams. You face your fears! Arrgh! The first to fall will be your fear of fear itself. As you approach your own vulnerability, your well practised terror will rise inside of you and force from you a choice. Will you continue on through that fear (the only way past it is through it) or will you succumb to it? Will you, “honour your fear,” or will you courageously face it to find the arbitrary and limited beliefs which power it? Can you guess which we suggest?

These two approaches are complementary opposites, the yin and the yang of stepping out of suffering. As you practice joyously accepting the world as you find it, without judgement or expectations, and courageously exploring your fears as they bubble to the surface, you follow the path of your soul into wholeness. Can you see how you have resisted experiences of joy in your life? Consider that your ability to feel joy is directly proportional to your willingness to feel ALL of your feelings. Resist your fear and pain and you limit your happiness and joy. The most exquisite opportunities to experience the soaring heights of mysticism come on the heels of crisis and tragedy. Intensity is the coin of the realm for the soul. Experiencing the wholeness of your self is intense beyond description. Redefining intense experience, knowing it to be a gift from the most exalted portions of your being, sets an intent which will carry you through all of your growing “pains.”

Do not underestimate how difficult it can be to accept grace, gracefully. Being loved is truly more terrifying than being rejected. Rare is the child whose every thought, feeling and deed have been lovingly accepted and honoured. Nearly all humans are treated to lessons of guilt, recrimination and assaults on their self-esteem. Consider this an opportunity, a gift. By overcoming this indoctrination to unworthiness, you leap into joy in great bounds. As you begin to face your own divinity, seeing your beliefs in your own unworthiness in the light of your concepts of God, the petty concerns of the world around you become less binding and limiting to you. Difficult as it is, identifying yourself with your most exalted concept of universal awareness is the most liberating perspective we know of.

In “Your World is a Metaphor” we put forward an image of life from the perspective of the soul. You are an infinite being having not one, but an infinite number of physical experiences. As you read these words, another minute portion of your being is expanding its awareness of itself by leaps and bounds and the ripples of that expansion are washing through every fragment of your soul which is extended into the experiential universe. Remember that you are only experiencing life as a series of linear moments because you believe that that is what reality is. Your wholeness of being has no such limits. As you sit quietly and imagine infinity, filled to the brim and beyond with EVERYTHING, you begin to stretch yourself to embrace it all in one glorious moment. That is the experience of the soul. The only barrier to having this perception of the wholeness of your self is your disbelief that you can, should, or deserve to have it. It is not your doubt so much as your certainty that you must overcome. You are certain that only angels, saints, sages or God Himself can, should and deserve to experience such rapturous wholeness. We suggest that this is already the experience which is central to your being, available to all merely for the asking, with full faith that it belongs to you.

Much is made in your culture of the idea of free will. Freedom being a basic urge of the human species, it is an issue that permeates every philosophy. How can you construct a universe that contains infinity in its unfathomable wholeness and yet leaves room for the freedom to create with the life of its parts? How can you reconcile this need to believe yourself free to choose with the simultaneity of All That Is? Can time be an illusion if you are free to choose and act upon your choices? If time is an illusion then is not free will an illusion as well?

These are not small questions are they? Let’s begin with your perspective as an individuated identity and work towards the perspective of All That Is. For you, life unfolds one moment after another. It does this from the inside out though. You choose how to experience life, the thoughts and feelings that your beliefs about life, yourself and your self present to you. Then, you react to that experience. It seems as though the dichotomy of free will versus fate is muddy indeed at this level. The more unconscious you are about your beliefs, the conflicts in them and what you really want from life, the more your life seems to be dictated by motions that are out of your control. Free will is a longed for fantasy then. As you become more adept at deciphering who you really are, you begin to understand and trust that you get to choose the reality that you perceive. You tinker with your beliefs and begin to choose new ones that serve you better. Life begins to change accordingly to conform to these new beliefs. You feel more free with every passing day. Going deeper reveals that while you do make choices constantly as you walk through life, the impulses and desires from which your choices spring come from a source that is deep within you and often mysterious. We use the word soul here often to label the source of your deepest yearnings, but what does that label mean? We offer that there is a source of intelligence deep within you that sees your existence in its wholeness. It is aware of who you really are and it urges you to grow ever more open to its impulses. It flows through you constantly, flooding your inner being with its desires for self-awareness. It leads you ever onward in your journey of self-discovery. Through all of your conflicts, your life unfolds in a way that fosters your growth into communion with this larger, deeper identity.

For all that you choose what to experience in your moment by moment existence, this larger portion of yourself, through its constant sharing of its desires with you, impels you along on its path to self-discovery, which you mirror in this metaphoric world of yours. You might think of this process as one of filtration and shadows cast from the strong light source of your soul. The soul’s light (impulses of desire) is filtered by your beliefs about yourself, your self and reality. The end result of the filtering is the physical manifestation with which you then interact. The light itself, though, affects the filters it touches. Your beliefs, thoughts and feelings are changed in subtle ways by the deep desire that moves through them. The evolving of your life experience through the years, becoming more complex and mature as you go along, is illustrating that effect.

While impulses from the soul do not command or determine the form which is manifested by the environment and circumstances of your life, they do set the direction of your life path. Your ideas about evolution reflect the soul’s longing for growth and development. The desire to express the wholeness of your being is the very force that enlivens you. Every choice you are faced with in life (which happens in every moment) has the potential of expressing that life force most directly. Every choice is an opportunity to let your soul be manifest in the world. Often, this happens without your conscious awareness. Of course, many of your in the moment choices happen without your conscious awareness. The impulses from the soul are always present, like a pressure constantly exerted upon your heart and mind. The moment of choice is the gap into which this pressure can flow.

The crucial issue then, is whether or not you are willing to allow this life force which bears down on you, through you, to be expressed in your life. Often, you resist. Your fear and self-doubt, in so many shapes and forms in your psyche, create barriers to stop the flow. Each moment of choice is one which pits your fear and doubt against the deep longings of your soul. The more strenuously you resist those longings because you believe your fear and doubts are reality based, the more pressure builds inside you. You create symptoms with this blocking process in all facets of your life experience, symptoms that only subside when you acquiesce to your own inner longings. Sooner or later, in this life cycle or another, those impulses to joy will flow. The will of your soul is ultimately inexorable. Though you kill yourself, quite literally, to avoid expressing the truth of who you are, eventually, who you are gets expressed.

So, even though you create your moment by moment experience of life, the Will of God, as expressed by the deepest longings of your soul, your divine aspect, is inexorable. God’s Will shall be done. Fortunately, God’s Will and your will (at least at the deepest levels of your being) are the same. What you most dearly desire, your primal intent, is exactly what God desires. That primal desire is the basis of creation. You often stand opposed to that movement. You resist change simply because it is change. Therefore, you resist the ever flowing motion of your own soul. You are free to make that choice. You are free to choose to flow with your deepest desires. Each choice for joy leads to the next choice for joy. There is the true constant. These impulses we speak of are themselves made of joy. So, like a building made of brick, each moment of joy experienced adds to a life constructed of and lived in joy. Choosing your fear and self-doubt constructs a very different building.

Yes, you do have the freedom to choose. Like someone moving in a rushing river, you may fight the current, struggling and suffering to resist the flow or you may trust the river’s benevolent intent and enjoy the journey. Just like that river, the only dangers are created by those who stand against the current. They are dangers to themselves and you can choose to believe in them instead of believing in the river. They then become dangers to you. Believe in the river! It will carry you safely past them. You do have free will. You can flow along willingly and joyfully or you can go kicking and screaming. You can stop for a while and stand against the current. Eventually, the flow of love and joy will entice you forward once more. The Will of God, the expansion into awareness of the wholeness, will be done. You will know true joy, like it or not.

All of the effort and suffering and anger and pain that you have set into the fabric of your life with your resistance to your own life force is truly futile. You cannot stop the flow of what already is. Even if you succeed in preventing yourself from knowing bliss, at your deepest you live there always and eternally. Your assimilation into this infinite reality is a foregone conclusion. Look carefully at all the reasons you can propose to deny yourself this joy right now. In every right now that follows, question yourself to find the true reasons why you believe you are not living in Paradise. We offer again that your every perception is a choice that you make. Even if your choices are powered by how others have described reality to you, they are arbitrary and subject to change at your will. Why not choose a reality where happiness is your birthright, where spiritual blessings are already yours, where when you gaze into the mirror that is the world you perceive, God smiles back at you.

On to Chapter 4

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