Flight of the Eagle Shamanic Resources

Archived Journeys


Navigating Infinity

Chapter 13

The Age of Reason

Here we come full circle from the opening pages of our conversation. This is the layer of attention which completes the act of incarnation and from which you seek transcendence. You will bring all of the familiarity with SELF that you have gained from the more abstract layers of awareness into the gravity well of the physical universe upon releasing your death grip on reason.

We have not tried to tell you what to do with your ties to the Earth or to human nature. Your deep seated awareness of these ties is represented in many thousands of years worth of "history" and speculation. They do not require destruction so much as acceptance and awareness. As you grow in your awareness of "I AM" at the core of every iota of the physical and emotional realms, your connection becomes a more loving and spiritual series of lifelines. Your fears, which inspire you to hang on so tightly to these bonds, are getting increasingly flooded by the higher frequencies of your attention. This is transcendence.

With the development of reasoning, these ties we discuss get much more concrete. Labels get assigned to all aspects of nature (naming of names) and attributes noted and shared. Rationalizing of experience is both a help and a hindrance in creating better living. It informs plans of action that work but stops further inquiry. It justifies and insulates you from the misery that you create. Moving up into heart centering is a major triumph for most because the lure of the rational is so strong. Science has become the religion for the new millennium.

Being centered in the Solar Plexus, like most of the "civilized" world is, creates a focus upon the individual. This is the seat of the ego, for want of a better word. Here you play out the functioning in nature, in relation to other people and to the never ending conflict between gravity and entropy. So, how do you gather enough creative power to live longer, have more pleasure and less pain? Lessons learned on these basic topics are compiled through the years, some more refined than others. Rules are developed, impressed and shared and related to as though they come from "God". Infractions become central to your emotional well-being and can overtake your reason at the most delicate points in time. Throughout all this, identity is fostered and grown which further ties you to this centering. Being centered in the Solar Plexus is a source of almost unending misery! You battle to prove yourselves to each other and to your ancestors and posterity. You madly develop defence mechanisms to protect your hearts and minds from the pain of SELF-knowledge. You constantly and mindlessly express your "dominance" over nature with your quests for luxury and security. Reason just is not all it is cracked up to be.

In this center many conflicts arise that inspire suppression. Shame, inadequacy, vulnerability and more, become issues that reason has brought to your attention but has not been able to resolve. Denial and repression of these conflicting matters becomes commonplace. These products of the quest for power and ultimately, control, begin to condense and fall from your energy field in order to be ignored more effectively. They do not, of course, go away. They do, however, go a weigh. They weigh you down at all levels. They make your mind less sharp, your emotions less buoyant and your body less vibrant and healthy.

Your practice thus far is bringing you to the awareness of the physical as living, shining consciousness with "I AM" at the core of every thing. So let's add some more manoeuvres to preface your meditations. Continue to perform the motions already discussed and add these to enhance your attention to the infinite flow in your daily life.

1.) Strike forward with flattened palm, fingers first, to a spot directly in front at the height of the solar plexus. Cup your fingers and scoop in an oscillating manner while inhaling and draw your hand straight in to your solar plexus. Release with an exhale. Alternate hands and repeat.
2.) Strike behind you in a similar manner. Scoop and drawn in to your back. Exhale and release. Alternate hands and repeat.
3.) Thrust both hands forward and in a swimming-like motion bring them behind you, gathering energy in cupped hands and release upon your back with an exhale. Repeat
4.) Bring flattened hands to your Solar Plexus palms facing each other. Take a deep inhale and twist at the waist as far as possible with an exhale. Hold the extreme position and inhale fully 3 times. Alternate and repeat.
5.) Thrust hands behind you and bring them around your body to the front with a slow inhale. When they meet palms together, bring them in to your Solar Plexus fingers up as you exhale. Hold steady and inhale. Turn hands downward as you bend forward until they point down. Extend slightly downward on exhaling and pull up slightly while inhaling for 3 full breaths. Imagine a line to the center of the Earth extending from your fingers growing brighter and thicker with each breath. Bring them up to your Solar Plexus, inhale and thrust them above your head with a sharp exhale and release. Repeat


This is the last layer of the illusion that you are a physical being. Centered here, you formulate all of the reason to be invested in this illusion. Both science and religion are constructs designed to justify the illusion and assuage your fear of being out of control of your reality. It is ironic that this world view that physical "reality" is out of your control can bring you so much comfort. It absolves you from responsibility while dooming you to cruel nature or the whimsy of the "Gods". It is a bit like refusing to look under the bed so as to not confront the monsters hiding there. Progressing beyond Solar Plexus focus is like a child growing up. It is a natural evolution but not without its pitfalls, foibles, failure and growing pains.

As you inject "I AM" into this layer of awareness, you find many shadows fading and being released. Many of the patterns from which your beliefs are constructed linger still in spite of your exploration in higher frequencies. Your various addictions that describe your place in 3D and hold you tightly in it resist easy release. Adding energy to your perception of the first three layers of human awareness is, as you know, a long-standing, persistent occupation. As you approach a release point and the tempo increases, you confront your control issues more starkly. Your addictions all emerge from these loci of attention. Truly letting go of control is the ultimate rollercoaster of human existence.

At this level of centering there is tremendous interweaving of information from the coarser layers beneath. The attention to detail needed to process and apply reason becomes an addiction that is truly difficult to release. It creates endless loops of feedback. Thoughts and feelings turn in upon themselves and shape lives and worlds. The larger metaphors that cast these lives into form are beyond the intellect concerned with detail. The quest for control of the details generally, pulls the attention into itself and the hamster wheel of personal reality spins onward. The entire complex functions smoothly enough to occupy the bulk of humanity at any particular point in time and space. Only a small percentage of each generation makes ready to evolve beyond it. Obviously too, only a small percentage of that small percentage is our audience to these words as we extend our awareness into the human world.

This formula does not indicate any standing for those who listen of course. It is a simple natural function of consciousness. It is a response to choices made of where to seek answers to questions that burn in hearts. It is not some romantic blessing from on high. You have become dissatisfied with the quest for joy in the physical world. Even the comfort of unconditional love has proven to be insufficient. It is likely then that these glimpses into the matrices that form human life and human worlds will only inspire more questing. While we shall stand by you, when the clarity of the High Mental Body is sought, you are going to reach into even more ethereal realms, seeking expanded awareness. Take with you all that you have gathered of love, wisdom and courage. You will need them as you explore where none of these yet exist.

Bon Voyage

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