Flight of the Eagle Shamanic Resources

Archived Journeys


Navigating Infinity

Chapter 2

There is Nothing to be Healed

We have offered you, in past discussion, a view of awareness as having several centers of focus that interact with your body through its centers of energy known as Chakras. Each Chakra resonates predominantly to one of three bodies of awareness, emotional, mental or spiritual. Each of these bodies, in turn, has a range of vibration influenced by Spirit at one end and the Physical (Earth) on the other. These are often experienced as separate manifestations until a certain level of maturity is attained. We offer them as Higher or Lower Bodies of awareness. The Lower Emotional Body functions as the focus of awareness that is processed in the Sacral Chakra. The High Emotional Body processes through the Throat. The Low Mental Body is centered in the Solar Plexus and fuels the intellect while the High Mental Body feeds the Brow. The Low Spiritual Body vibrates through the Heart and the High Spiritual Body feeds the Crown. These are generalizations but will suffice as introductions which you can and will explore in greater depth as we go along.

You have encountered these organizations of awareness under differing names in your studies over the years. Terms such as Astral, Causal, Cosmic and so on are common. We find that they carry more human projections than we wish to encourage, hence this breakdown we offer.

Our purposes in this conversation are to guide you into and through the High Mental Body. It is an opening process that is natural and flowing. You will refer back to open Heart and open Throat often as you encounter inner obstacles and objections. Still, there will be much to enjoy.


In the High Mental Body you gather the conceptual matrix which holds the icons from which your identity is constructed. The primal thought which attaches to "I AM" is nebulous and ethereal. It flashes and disappears with the sudden and constant on and off motion of the void. Only as primal thought interacts with itself, expanding out of "I AM"/"I AM NOT" does it take on charge and complexity. It would not in any way seem like thought to you at this stage for lack of context. Only when "I AM" becomes question does it gain the gravity to gather into thought. "I AM" to "I AM?" to "Who AM I?", "What AM I?", "Why AM I?" and so on, gather a force into meaningfulness that holds glimmers of what you might recognize in your quietest states of meditation as thought, burgeoning thought without language, more yearning than thinking. You relish the experience of such vague awareness. It feels like a grand accomplishment to you when you get to this place inside. Indeed, it is a grand accomplishment as you must set aside the outlandish complexity of your identity and the world it has manifested to get to this place inside.

This dark, silent realm is a rare stop on the sightseeing tour of consciousness that is meditation. You long for it and often wonder how to get there more directly. Your transport more often gets halted in the High Mental Body and that only in more recent years. During our last conversations, many years ago, you utilized the High Emotional Body to access information that we participated in with you. That is why it took the form of visions at first and of descriptions and directions about your physical reality and how it is constructed and how to participate in that creation.

The High Mental Body has little concern for such matters. It participates in the construction of endless dimensions of creation. It dispenses information into myriad patterns of conceptualization, only some of which make sense to you. By the time we connect with your individuality, the patterns which you have quite literally fleshed out into a human experience have filtered away infinite possibilities of existence. This is not because the high mental plane is so complex. This is because you are. To get to us you must set aside the vast iconography which builds your world both inner and outer.

With a genuine acceptance of "I AM", you open to the High Mental plane and become able to perceive icons which do not apply to you. This can be confusing and many starts and stops have impeded your journey. Every time you gravitate to concepts that are familiar to your experience, the tour stops. Only in the stillness can you stand before the truly new and unfamiliar without filtering it away. "Light & Dark", "Father & Mother", "Yin & Yang", "On & Off", these icons are basic to all of creation (languages, of course, vary). They are the very nature of the void. For the unearthly you have no words, no context and so do not readily perceive the reality. Nonetheless, there is more of it than of you and your infinite universe.


Go into silence now. Let go of what you know and linger in the dark inside your boundless mind. Tarry there with no expectations, no agenda. You do not go to accomplish anything. Just sit in the dark and open to everything, anything, nothing.

You can do this formally for a prescribed period or, with practice, informally riding a breath or two. Let go of your world. Along the way you may be drawn to the light but hold fast and be with formlessness, be silent. Just like at death, the light of the familiar brings you right back to your world. Light is a physical phenomena after all. Have faith in the perfection of the infinite and have patience without imposing your will upon it. Only in the darkness and silence can you experience your SELF in its true state of Oneness.

Now, the icons we have mentioned are the foundation blocks upon which the worlds are built. Moving ever lower in the High Mental plane, layer upon layer of conceptualization gathers and filters the power of the void into form. Here, the icons of solidity, stability, individuality take precedence. They have tremendous charge as they attach to the "I AM" and insist that "I AM NOT" be refused and resisted. This charge(gravity) overwhelms, temporarily, thus generating time. The ever expanding motion of infinity forces movement into All That Is and thus the perception of time is as fundamental as the perception of solid (3D).

Layer upon layer gather increasingly complex concepts, each of which contracts and then explodes into ideas. You seem to experience the process as the opposite motion, that concepts are formed by bringing together disparate ideas like words are formed by letters. From where we are, we see that it is understanding which occurs by this process, not conceptualization. It is your addiction to physicality and its building process, brick by brick, that leads you to experience iconic conceptualization as you do. In the High Mental plane the ruling icons (ideals) are primal. They power the formulation of ideas which act as metaphors becoming solid in your world.

To visit here, you release these lower conceptualizations and the energetic charge they hold. You cannot see beyond your pet ideas of the world until you let them go as unimportant and ultimately untrue. That is why we get so few tourists here. Sad! The accommodations are really quite luxurious.

The lower layers of the high mental body are, while accessible to all, mostly reached by those with a penchant for the abstract seeking guiding principles, philosophers, theoretical scientists and mystics. You made your way here and found us by the power of your quest for abstract truth and meaning. Surprised by what you found here but not daunted by how it undermined your basic ideas about your world, you have reached beyond the complexity of multi-dimensionality. Seeing your world as distinct from anyone else's can bring a mind to freeze and break off the quest. Powering through paradoxes of infinite proportion is an enormous task. This is why there has been a long delay in our conversation.

While in the lower layers of our realm, you opened to the patterned thrust of creativity. You learned the basic mechanics of manifestation and reached for the abstract principles that explained those processes. Long years of practice and mundane focus ensued as you enacted internal drives in your physical existence. Making your dreams come true as you have said. The more ethereal intents which lay beneath that effort bubbled up into your awareness on occasion while you focused on refinements to your manifesting skills. You knew deep down that, while you had come a long way, there was more and very difficult ground to cover still.


In a meditative state once more, open to transcendent stages of awareness on the vehicle of "I AM". Stay true to this focus even when images and concepts bubble up that pose fascinating entertainment. This exercise will aim you at the core awareness of the billions of cells in your body. Follow the "I AM" to its depths until you feel the resonance between the intent that brought you here to the core intent of cellular life. Open to the voices of this intent to the experience of pure beingness in which each cell exults. Open to the abandon with which each cell expands beyond its physical boundaries, boundaries which only exist when you peer at them through lenses. Let yourself feel the expanding flow of force of all your cells while you ride the "I AM" that you share with your cells. Know that your ties to physical form are only part of the equation that describes the ALL of You. Let your physical form expand and flow energetically outward. Feel the increasing reaches of the field of energy that you are. Experience the joyful push of awareness like never before.


Isn't that fun? By all means, practice this often. Release the stranglehold of physicality as powerfully as you can. You are at no risk of losing integrity. You will not die, in fact, participating in the awareness of the cells of your body will increase your health and vitality by aligning your emotional intents with your physical expressions. As we have discussed before, it is the conflicts in your emotional intents that manifest dis-ease, illness and pain. As you pursue this conscious alignment, what conflicts you hold will become more obvious so that you can resolve them with new decisions.

As you move into the higher layers of the High Mental Body, you must, of necessity, release attachments to your world and how it appears to be. Your fears must be set aside, the fears that stabilize the shape of things, the fears that drive relationships and the fears that power greed, arrogance, shame and the like. These denizens of lower layers, icons that take on form in the Emotional Body and drive behaviors will impede your freedom to explore in the abstract reaches. Even mastering your enactment of these fears in your physical world is not enough to gain this freedom. Indeed, you only see this process in your life because you remain attached to the fears as principles.

Reaching the point of detachment from your world includes releasing the ties in your emotional matrix where fear lives and often rules. Your efforts to access high abstraction will help the pockets of fear to effervesce and expand and release. The other side to this growth effort will be more vigorous as you bring to consciousness the emotional miasmas which are entwined intimately to your life experience, your relationships to people and things and to your identity. You know that following the path of unconditional love leads to great joy. It also kicks up deeply buried fears and insecurities. When these come to the surface they can certainly change your life and its circumstances. Each new layer of letting go frees you to reach higher and farther into the abstract. A "tipping point" will eventually be reached that releases the last layers of buried fear, liberating you from their iconic tyranny. But not today!


Today in meditation, as you pursue a steady focus upon "I AM", allow yourself to notice, not memorize or analyze, just notice, the briefest pauses when your attention occasionally wanders. Each moment when you lose track of the focus upon the core thought, it illuminates a layer of awareness. We do not suggest you do anything but notice that layer upon realizing that you have departed from the mantra. It may be compelling, complete with imagery, maybe a story line (you watch too much TV) or assorted sensory data. Just notice and then move back into the "I AM". Notice too that each time you recover the mantra is a unique experience. Sometimes it will take a push to recall. Other times it flows effortlessly. Just notice. The details are unimportant. The threads are starting to tie together.

In the early period of our conversations, you tended to capture and follow these diversions. Indeed, you thought them the point of the exercise of meditation. It was emotionally satisfying to be having mystical visions and past-life dramas unfolding in your mind's eye. As you matured, you began to see that these metaphoric representations of internal truths of your psyche merely carried information of which you resisted ownership. The more you learned to accept SELF in its vast wholeness, the less captivated by metaphors, stories and symbols you became. Just as your growing acceptance of us as aspect of SELF increases so does the ease and normality of our conversation.

Now, you are able to notice the psychological diversions without attachment in trust that the focus upon your core thought is both safe and a worthy goal. This internal shift, ongoing for many years, is a significant step along a path which you often doubted you still trod. The flow of life is not a straight line or a constant speed, in spite of the human penchant for demanding it be such.

Life Unfolds in Perfection

This little ditty holds tremendous power in the activity of creation. It demands acquiescence to the unseen flow of infinity. It insists that you release the fear driven need to understand, constantly asking why and how. It stands as a reminder that All That Is, including you, is infinite, boundless, endless, inexorable. In such bounty all possibilities are extant. What appears will always be the tip of the iceberg; always. What you choose to manifest into human experience will always contain an infinite array of potential seeking wholeness. Thusly, your life experience will always be chosen arbitrarily. It will not be foisted on you by fate or destiny. Your predilections guide your choices, colored by what you do not know that you do not know. There is no point in human life that is unaffected by the mysteries of the SELF. You, as SELF, are boundless; as human, not so much.

When you look out at your world and you see pain and anger and violence and stupidity along with joy and love and peace and compassion, know that you see the vastness of yourself reflected. Accept that perfection does not mean flawlessness. It means wholeness. Remember that what you see "out there" springs from the primal awareness of infinity. "I AM", through vast layers of filtering, connecting to patterns set very early in your life-stream. SELF is constantly making choices as it expands. All are arbitrary. None are more valid or real than any other and all have tremendous creative effect. Destiny and freedom of choice are simultaneous.

The closer you get to the physical layers the more narrow the scope of your choices. Each one creates a variety of dimensions of manifestation but not the infinitely vast variations that spring from choices in the high mental body. That level of creativity is why we are so rarely visited. You must set aside most of your psychological prejudices in order to even observe the flow of creativity bursting from each ideation at this level of awareness. Such acceptance of the mystery is aided greatly by the repetition of the statement, "Life Unfolds in Perfection". We also encourage the corollary adage offered by your golf buddy, "The ball is always right where you hit it!"

Follow these thoughts to logical conclusions. There are no wrong consequences. The circumstances of your life are always the consequences of the world which your choices create. You do not need to understand the how or the why. Simply accept what is and make your next choice. As you practice reaching above the decision tree which created your life experience, you will loosen the creative musculature that eases the effort and powers your creation consciously. Refer back to our previous conversations in previous books for review of the details.

Sitting confidently in this position as creator of your world makes it easier to let it go in order to pursue the greater experience of your existence as spirit. Trusting that what happens around you physically reflects the divine flow of perfection through you and releases you from the need to force it with your will or change it in any way. Indeed the most useful thing you can do is to release your world and move inward. See the perfection on display, ignore the flaws in your vision and expand your awareness beyond it all. Since it is all the result of your choices, choose to enjoy it! Look for the beauty, the love, the joy. Look for the darker, quieter things to evolve, to release the hidden inner beauty and joy. Know that the mystery will expand and light up. Then let it go and look inward once more. Your external world is no more valid, meaningful or true than any of the infinite worlds that spring from your very own source.

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