Flight of the Eagle Shamanic Resources

Archived Journeys


Navigating Infinity

Chapter 9

Singularities Make Me Nervous

So, there you have it. You are a multiplicity! Why does this seem new to you? We have identified ourselves as this all along but it stands counter to all of your definitions of yourself. That way lies madness! All the voices in your head have reality. You filter them through your identity, sometimes with great effort. Even the direct experience you had writing this last paragraph of last chapter sparked some anxiety in you that mitigated the elation of the fullness of SELF that you felt.

The structure of physicality is by definition linear, singular and isolated. It is this way because you define it so. This cannot be said too much. Your "world" is a perception, not a fact. There is more truth to the comic book depictions of reality than your science affords. Indeed, your science seeks to limit and hold "reality" in place in order to explain and manipulate. Stretch yourself beyond the limitations so imposed and explore a greater reality.

For every fleeting thought comes an ebb and flow of multiple identities which participate in that thought. Most are alternate or probable "you's" but some are related or kinship identities outside the boundaries of your definitions of yourself. Those will diverge more rapidly and often than the shared resonances of "you's" in other dimensions. Your experience of them will often be relief when they do diverge. The least little foreignness of attitude and feeling has more impact than the masses of accord simply because the former gains more attention and feels more threatening. That foreignness brings more ideas to your awareness that seem to pop up out of nowhere and feelings that discomfort you. You will be well served to remember this and explore further.

When you engage in joyful and loving experience, you are joined by a large contingent of evolving alternate, probable, multidimensional "you's". Merely the expansive feeling states of such activities will draw the support and participation of larger portions of the SELF. This is an evolutionary force running through the structure of your "being" (for want of a better word). The more of you that gathers to join in, the more magical the experience becomes, also the more empowered or `right` you feel. If you practice seeking the direct experience of this mass participation you will find decision making much easier as well as smoother creative work. The wellspring of genius will have increasingly many sources as you gather more "you's" into your awareness.

Obviously, what separates you from the other `yous` is more than physicality. You have defined them out of existence. You would consider them madness if they intruded in more than the most subtle ways. These `yous` are mostly noticed when there is a rise in passion attached to your inner and outer circumstances. Exalted states make the awareness more palatable than passionate sorrow. You have been aware of such participation many times though your definitions did not allow you to know what was going on. By going in search of the experience of more of you in the moment, you will come to see and appreciate the signs of these `yous` impinging upon your awareness. The ultimate object of this endeavor is to open to the totality of SELF as it emerges from the Oneness. This is not possible from the tiny, isolated version of you that you have held onto for so long.

You have a lifetime of the habit of linear thinking to overcome in order to embrace the totality of you. If you imagine a vertical line to represent the incarnation process (running from the primal "I AM" to your first awareness of a bodily existence), it seems a one step at a time evolution of consciousness. You move from idea to form to more and more complex awareness with each moment adding to your growth and education. Actually, your development has been more like passing through multiple layers of funnels gathering and spewing streams of you together with choices along the way and leaving streams of you to pursue other potentials. The easy choices are larger funnels with great portions of you flowing together unnoticed. The tougher life decisions create tighter and more determined streams. All the while, new volumes of these streams are created that you may experience as more lonely and frightful as you muster your forces to face perceived obstacles and trials. But what of the other streams creating new funnels of decision and creating new ideation streams gathered around the idea of you?

As you have moved through perceptual experience, your world has grown into a rich and complex world populated by billions of people (at a distance) and thousands that you have experienced more directly. Your world holds countless wonders and constant sources of adventure. Where do you suppose that comes from? You in your immaturity assume that it is all outside of you and so believing, have made it so. The problem is that this leaves you isolated and alone. So you are subject to error and competition and craving love while fearing the future.

These assumptions are causative as well as reactive. They are also quite wrong as descriptions of reality. The appearance though is hard to oppose until you look deeply inside. As you have burgeoned forth from newborn into maturity, you have populated your world with all the choices you have not made. Your primal fears required parents to nurture and protect you, siblings to play with and teach you and layer upon layer of people and things to reflect each thought and feeling which passes through your consciousness. You have been unaware of this parade of creativity, so captured by the objects of its processes. So much is pushed into what you think of as your subconscious or unconscious as it threatens your definitions of reality unfolding before you.

You are no longer an infant! Struggling to hold onto the definitions of reality that you developed in your first days no longer serves you. Indeed, if you look at the people you encounter along the way, you will easily see all the layers of your concepts of reality being played out in those lives. Of course, there are many more examples of realities from your childhood and early life than of your later development and precious few that hold definitions that you hold now. Consider that a clue. This is not because you are so superior. You just have not put away your toys or created so many new ones.


All of this before you is you. Most of it is children at play in a wonderland of an amusement park. All of it is connected to the core of you. The very idea of you is the very idea of everything.

We suggest that you make this vision the core of your reality. The vision that you are isolated and alone serves you no longer. You do not need to be protected from responsibility for the world and its peoples. All unfolds in perfection! You do not need boundaries and solitude. You just need peacefulness and faith in SELF. Allow the perceptions of your world to flow from the core of unity. Seek those thoughts and feelings coming through that funnel and enjoy the results.

There appears to be more of you laterally than vertical. The massively broad variety of expressions of you populating your world and the myriad alternate dimensions of human experience are over-whelming to consider owning as expressions of you. Nonetheless, the infinite size of you, which we have always affirmed spreads through consciousness like wildfire, brings into form constantly expanding opportunity for you to know and explore SELF. The mere act of contemplating this immensity pushes you to open ever more to the infinite expanse of consciousness. It also provides you a more accurate portrayal of your urge to anthropomorphize. Projecting humanness vertically toward spirit creates the absurdity of gods and angels and saviors and souls and ascended masters and so on. All these humanized images interfere with your desire to be self-aware, not to mention aware of SELF. Equally so, an unbalanced view of the horizontal produces aberrations like science, psychism, mediumship, akashic records, not to mention racism, sexism, religionism and ism after ism.

There are no pain free ways to hold onto your prejudices, definitions, beliefs and creeds while opening to the totality of SELF. Harsh though it may seem, there are no important lives, no important events, no meaningful moments in the face of infinity. Whether it be Buddha or Hitler, Mother Theresa or Al Capone, no individual matters. You do not matter. All lives, all events, thoughts, feelings indeed all of existence as you have known it, is of no real importance. Mere stories one and all. There are always infinite possibilities being played out in every moment. There are numberless "yous" being expressed across countless dimensions in every moment. The desires, the acts, the expressions of intent span as broad a gamut of potential as you can imagine and more.

You cannot painlessly open to this awareness while thinking of yourself in any less a way. You cannot find meaning in life or know your purpose in life. You cannot achieve enlightenment, satori, nirvana etc. unless you take every "you" with you, consciously. There are no exclusions, no judgements, preferences or predilections. The petty concerns of your little life have no value beyond your tiny world. In fact, your world does not exist save that your thoughts make it so. Stop thinking and it all collapses to reveal the vastness of the totality of SELF.

So you ask what the point of this all might be. Joy! As you approach the "I AM" in your quiet states of consciousness, you can imbue your awareness with the essential experience of SELF awareness. The bursting of "I AM" from the flow of infinite expansion is ecstatic. Stop a moment and open to it, "I AM", as it is in the first moment. Like a point of light in eternal darkness, it is an awareness that explodes in silence. "I AM" is pure joy. When you set aside your petty concerns and contemplate the simple fact of your existence and all else falls away, "I AM" stands blissfully. From there gratitude grows and peace and love. First though is overwhelming joy which contains all else.

All of your practice will bear no fruit if you do not apply this to the details as you look out at your world. None of it matters. It is all just a story that you have made up as you went along. Every detail could be totally transformed in an instant if you chose it to be so. Letting go of it all is your path to joy. It is the path to the direct experience of infinity. Any thought, feeling or person that you hold dear will be an obstacle to your journey into the truth of SELF. Since all that you have experienced thus far and ever so much more comes with you in your expansion into the totality of SELF, it is not so lonely after all.

There is a lot compacted into those last few sentences. Seemingly, every bit is contradicting the compelling insistence of the world of your senses. To your eye there is only one world full of distinct personages, objects and definable experiences. Only the occasional injection of the unknown gives you pause to question how it all ties together. The very complexity of the world inspires you to hold it as still as possible just so that you might be safe for the moment from the immensity of its changing and evolving mystery. It is just this side of overwhelming to leap in the briefest way into the void of infinity to find higher forms such as principle or essence. Great strength is required to pursue such ethereal knowledge and even greater strength to apply such knowings into physical life. Wrenching your attention out of the details of your life in the world in order to seek the perspective of the essence of SELF requires great effort over a long period of time. It asks of you great faith that you are safe enough in your universe to shift your focus away from surviving the moment toward understanding it. Take a deep breath and offer up some gratitude that the benevolence of creation has once again cradled you so that you can question it directly and seek to be aware of its vast grandeur!

In a quietly meditative state, come visit where we are in the High Mental Body where the archetypes of your human experience begin to take on form. As the "I AM" approaches this state it is impacted by infinity with each motion outward in all possible directions. It gains a kind of gravity or perhaps gravitas as it spins in upon itself. The core of awareness of existence draws ever greater layers of intent, all merely essence but all resonant with beingness. Thus the joyous explosion grows while the "I AM" gains weight and impact. These do not bring consequence until awareness burgeons into "I AM NOT". These two seemingly opposing primal motions are not even ideas. They are direct experiences of spin. An infinitesimal moment of primal fear interrupts the expansive joy of being. Not even a thought yet but a genuine experience that in its contrast makes the experience of "I AM" the more profound.

The developing spirit enriches this flow of experience as new layers of potential impact its awareness. Even before "choice" becomes an idea, spirit experiences "Good" and in its dissolution "Bad" (evil being a morally charged idea of the High Emotional Body). These formative ideations are void and without form but experienced at the foundation of every thought that will eventually evolve. To the ongoing perspective of spirit, expanding and turning in upon itself as it grows, joy and fear cycle through as the foundation of all creation. Each unique moment expresses both primal experiences which become forces by the time expression gets so complex. Still, they are most basic awareness and thus have only the smallest and most momentary of impacts.

Here in the High Mental Body, the plot thickens (literally). As spirit grows more complex, its awareness of the potential of infinity explodes. Again, this is the true Big Bang! The core of spirit starts attracting satellites as the inflow of essence is drawn into resonance. The spinning variable resonance, pre form, not even waves yet, are the first to impact the growing essence thus changing the experience of "I AM". The core consciousness experiences greater degrees of contrast between "I AM" and "I AM NOT". Thus more complex icons take form. The attributes of "Good" and "Bad" take on weight and the core of spirit grows more aware of expansion and contraction. From your perspective, "Light" and "Heavy" describe "Heaven" and "Earth". In the core consciousness they are direct experiences of Life.

Still, infinity in all of its potential encroaches and impacts. It is not subtle in spite of being formless. "I AM" is taking on ideation and thus gravity. As it cycles it formulates. The archetypes are piling up as more and more complex experiences of joy and fear, expansion and contraction are applied to consciousness. "Inner" and "Outer" take on meaning as do "Here" and "There". A big moment occurs at "I" and "Thou" when "Other is encountered and recognized. The mad rush into density ensues.

Many of the archetypes upon which your thoughts are based are projections of the human world and not its roots. Like "Evil" and "Holy", "Sacred" and "Profane", these formative ideas are not High Mental Body icons and do not have fundamental impact upon the creation process until well down the road. Not only religiously inspired ideas are projections either. While "Male" and "Female" have creative juice, they are much more descriptive than formative. Other ideas are of similar ilk such as "Active" and "Passive", "Will" and "Acceptance" and "Yin" and "Yang". They are icons reflected back upon the High Emotional Body from human thought and while impressive and meaningful, not primal. The principles of Science as well as Morality are farther along the High Emotional Body continuum and are not the awareness of archetypes in action. As you look around your world, ask yourself what archetypes are in play in your daily life and whether they lead to the fundamental ideations of creation or represent human projections of observed or speculative principle. It is just this questioning that has brought you to our discussions though you may not have defined it so.

As the icons which shape your thinking grow more complex and weighty, you near ever more towards form. They cycle through consciousness taking on weight and reaching what you now are describing with words such as energy and quantum. You are timeless, formless impulses experiencing "I AM" in growing intricacy. Joy and fear bristle with intensity that through repetition becomes energy and moving from potential to kinetic. All the while, the repetitions make patterns from very early on that will shape the forms of your reality. Human is designed from these patterns in the High Emotional Body as is a myriad of shapes and dimensions.

Throughout these developments are myriad divergences. "I AM" splits or more accurately, explodes, sending forth streams in all directions, resonating to the icons experienced along the way. Long before matter comes to be, the ideas from which worlds are created are expressed in infinite ways. The building blocks of infinite worlds and infinite universes express outward, bombarded by whatever resonates but also much that opposes or diverges. More and disparate become the points of consciousness gathering around cores of "I AM" long before Human becomes conceivable. Thus are there countless universes not remotely human-like. The principles upon which they are formed are not the same as human worlds. Only the primal core of "I AM" unites them all.

The icons of "Light" and "Dark", formed by the contrast between the core of consciousness and its growing satellites of identity moving toward the core, inspire the race into form of suns and planets from protons and electrons. The first contractions into matter were excruciating as the forces making it possible were fraught with primal fear. They also brought tremendous joy that lit up each building block core. "I AM" could not resist taking form and experiencing its SELF.

And so as the "I AM" gathered actual mass, the icons which lead to life forms and eventually human form took shape in the High Mental Body in feedback loops growing ever more complex. Out of thought to energy to atoms and vacuum to Suns and worlds to rocks and water sprang the idea of life, a natural consequence of conscious self-awareness. Myriad shapes and kinds of life formulated and were created through the same processes from the most formless ideations. They took on gravity and meaning, energy and mass, as the endless cycling of consciousness banged into larger spinning expressions of infinity. They reached outward into countless dimensions seeking experience of SELF.

At the center of each bit of creation is the "I AM". To break this up into myriad "selves" sucks all the joy out of everything. The tiny little "you" that has occupied nearly all of your attention is a feedback loop to all these layers of awareness that we have been describing. The core of you continually interacts with these loops just as it has with all other motions impacting the "I AM". It continually urges you through the vehicle of desire to seek expanded perspectives that embrace more of the wholeness of SELF. Each moment of expanded perception loops as well bringing greater awareness, more joy, more acceptance of fear and a larger vision of your "Soul" (a miss-defined attempt to humanize a spiritual identity).

That, in a nut-shell, albeit a large and cumbersome nut-shell, is what we are doing together; exploring and describing the indescribable pathways of creation. Moving inward, in moments of quiet to the subtle wordless realm of spirit, through the deeply meaningful ideas that shape your identity, brings you closer to the truth of you with each pass. Your sense of the joy of expansion and the purposefulness of contraction brings you to be more able to open to the vast infinite flow that is your nature. The loops of awareness that are set in motion open your mind to expanded vision and, in turn, open pathways in your physical brain which then affect your senses. Your physical health is enhanced as is your emotional well being. Your individual cells respond as your statement of who you are expands. The movement of your awareness to embrace the breadth of SELF in myriad universes, bodies and forms liberates you and expands your identity. This opens you further to greater joy and understanding. At the heart of all this is a fundamental truth.

There is only one of us here!

It is just that "Here" is so much larger than you might have suspected.

Connect to the quiet realm and to the "I AM". Know that you bring your entire consciousness with you up that familiar ladder. Rise above your world, your feelings and your thoughts. Go past your understanding and your vast conceptualizations. Ascend to where even the thought of "I AM" fades into silence. You will rise and fall from this primal state repeatedly. When you become aware of thinking taking place, take a moment to gather your physical world into your higher mind, all of its people and things, all planets and stars and all the stories connected to it all. Own them and bring them with you back into the "I AM" and back into silence. Repeat as needed until it feels complete and silence is easier to enter.

When you again become aware of thinking, gather all of the versions of you that are willing to join in. There will be plenty. You can sense them rushing into you from all directions like a fountain. Bring them with you back to the "I AM" and into silence. If you can go one more time after again falling into thinking, invite all these extended selves to bring their universes with them on one last vertical surge.

When you regain consciousness, breathe in the collective love and wisdom of the totality of SELF that you have journeyed amongst. Trust that it will permeate your every conscious moment from here forward. You will never be the same, no matter how many times you repeat this pattern. You will change your world view every time and you will know no regrets.

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