Flight of the Eagle: The Cave

Flight of the Eagle Shamanic Resources

Archived Journeys


Navigating Infinity

Chapter 2
And the 'Livin' Is Easy!

Try this: In this moment, be the best that you can imagine. Next moment, do it again!

Life really is just this easy. This is a pathway to transcendence. Each step along this path raises you as high as you can go in each moment. It opens you to the next, better idea. It selects the best version of your world that you can imagine. It conjures the best decision in the right now. It does not offer judgment or comparison. It does not acquiesce to fear and worry. It simply uses the present moment to the fullest extent. No matter where you are in your mad dash around the wheel of life, this simple choice impels you forward into wonderousness.

You have held your world as stationary as possible using the habit of identity building. You view yourself as stable and changeless, a human being. While calling yourself that you have been far more a human doing and in the action of it let your body and its world change while you remain static as much as possible. Mesmerized by the detail all around you and tossed to and fro by its impacts on your emotions, you refuse to allow who you define yourself to be much wiggle room for growth and transformation. The very word transformation conjures fear and loathing as if each incremental expansion amounts to a metamorphosis.

Who you are is created anew in every moment out of the endless possibilities latent in your core. This is not news to you yet you insist on ignoring it to avoid responsibility and empowerment. Choose! Choose who to be right now and it is so. Stretch your imagination into the unknown for its highest impulses. Choose that! Repeat…

When this meant to choose to be in love or to be compassionate or forgiving it did not rock you quite so much. Too choose to be aware of spirit, to know what to do with Intent and to accept full awareness in the moment is more of a big deal for you. We remind you that such is your birthright. The process that you are going through is a natural maturation and not something forced or stolen. It is more an acceptance than an achievement. There is no authority to pit yourself against or rebel against or gain approval from. There is only your deepest desire to be aware of SELF which is the desire of SELF ITSELF!

Your meditations are, more easily than ever, leading you into silence now. Indeed, by actively shutting down your senses you are finding more spaces between thoughts even to the point of observing some blank spaces that you can "taste" lurking there. You are finding a pattern developing in which you go into silence and emerge via dream-like wandering which dissipates as your mind launches once more into thought. This is not the same as falling asleep to dream and then awaken. That is just the category you assign to make sense of the experience. You are having encounters in the Spiritual Body that cannot be defined in their own terms. Try to resist the urge to make them understandable or to judge them in any way. You do not need to use them either. They are a natural flow that will become familiar as you practice. You do not even need to remember the content as you rise back up to waking. The content would have meaning only rarely. The context is still foreign to you in spite of all the years in your lifetime filled with such experiences.

This is the mystery of the Spiritual Body. Its context is not human. All the projections of imagination that have aimed to explain, humanize and even control the creative juice of this level of awareness simply wall off its direct impulses from your usual consciousness. It is a land before idea so no idea can define it. Certainly no feeling can encompass it. It is a referent. We refer to it. We emerge from it. We yearn to experience it and manifest its impulses through our lives, our feelings and our thoughts.

Reaching into this layer for our highest aspirations to choose actions which reflect them more directly, opens us to more direct and conscious awareness of our origins and our true desire. This is the path of expansion that all of life follows as it pulses along. We of the High Mental Plane follow the path just like you in the Human Plane. It is as simple as we have stated. One step at a time.


We are all one! There is no yours or mine, no us and them. There is no need to say or do or think or feel anything much less any particular thing. Life can simply be. There is plenty of everything for everyone. Every expression is valid; the victim and the perpetrator, the greedy and the needy, the unjust and the protectors. All contribute to the balance of wholeness constantly. It only appears otherwise in the focus upon the details.

Being alive is being in Paradise! The perfection is right in front of everyone's eyes as it ebbs and flows in harmony with the infinite choices made in every moment. By taking pause to perceive the wholeness of the present, this blissful view is always available no matter the details before us appear to suggest. Referring to our unity in the moment makes our next choice simple and most effective. Living in Paradise and its bliss is as easy as choosing it repeatedly.

Fake it if need be. Take it on faith. If your vision does not encompass the big picture, assume there is one. All of the suffering in the world has its place, serves its purpose and leads to the same pinnacle as all the pleasure and all the comfort. Lean on as much faith as you can muster to dream your biggest dream. Life unfolds in perfection!


You see how it is now? All the effort you have put into discovering who you are has brought you to the experience that you are Not! The blissful unity with All Things indeed includes Nothing. Expanding into infinite consciousness is not a loss of self as humanity has feared throughout its grand story. It is merely an acquiescence to SELF and its inclusion in the void.

As you blink into all knowing and back into the void, you sit merrily on the razor's edge of awareness with both potential and realization. It is much like teetering on the edge of a dream. If you have the courage to choose a larger dream than mere humanness, the vast potential opens up to your desire. If you dream SELF into being through your humanness you can choose what that looks like, acts like and feels like from moment to moment. There are no wrong choices. However, it is worthwhile to check in now and then to this state of unity with All That Is to keep from getting too caught up with the manifestations of your predilections.

We began this enterprise discussing melodrama and its addictive hold upon your attention. The further from it you wander, the more insistently it drags at your attention like withdrawal symptoms. Your world right now seems more chaotic than ever. Your immediate vicinity is quiet and safe and makes few demands on your time or your peacefulness. This is your opportunity to remain focused upon this awareness of the whole while you practice living in the world. You can expect some petty distractions to help you to galvanize the new internal habits. The big swells of drama will remain distant from you and the small and more local dramas will give you fodder for thought.

You are under no obligation to declare who you are to your world. It is also no threat to your peace either way. You are free to select new personality traits to play with, new identities to try on, new associations with your world and so on. None of it matters. All possibilities are extant within SELF; all as true as any other. When you return to commune with "I AM" all of that is set aside and rendered meaningless once more. The you that has developed over the years has been a construct to allow this expansion into unity. It has gathered around your desire and throughout the infinite array of manifestations of you. These gather together with you (a ridiculous idea but still…) as you practice. This is the desire at the core of your human form.

So, do not assume that your small identity of one body on one Earth living one life is the one that achieves your one goal. You are being dragged along this path as much as you lead. Your life decisions have sped up some parts of the journey and slowed down other parts. Also, this is not an achievement to begin with. Always you were tied to this state of being, waiting to awaken and accept this birthright of awareness.

During your moments of communion you perceive in great chunks the patterns of unfolding radiating into form. Bringing that vision back into your day to day world is not required but it does lend an encouraging shimmer to the physical reality. It also enables you to translate the vast conceptualizations that you open to in trance into an awareness of the flows of consciousness which your world reflects. You can tweak away at your creation with a broader perspective.

Looking at your world in wholeness provides a vision of its evolution in action. The movements of passion and maturity shine brightly from such a distance. When you peer at these details, all of your own predilections stand out more to muddy the scene. You have doubts and fears which societies mirror for you. You have childhood issues which you can watch replayed again and again. You also can see the growing trends that display your aspiration. You see forgiveness in the world. You see people who feel lost and angry being treated with kindness and patience and the chance to uplift their lives. You see the effects of education that supplant indoctrination and minds mature. The large swells of human activity spur new growth as minds expand to understand and to cope with changing circumstances.

Your perspective affords you glimpses of how ordinary people act everyday upon altruistic impulses, delaying their own gratification in order to provide for the needs of others for safety, sustenance and shelter. Perhaps you see that not all are willing participants but the numbers swell when circumstances demand it. You get to watch as this heart opening becomes planetary as the tipping point approaches.

Back into unity you go, releasing all of that to experience the complete benevolence of the creative process. It is powered by unconditionally, infinitely expanding love. The more you dive into communion, the more you release of your personal self and its tiny view back into the void.


It is a slightly sad truth that direct experience of the Spiritual Body is beyond words to describe. It is more poignant for the inspired urge to elucidate anyway. While there, you get to bask in its sweet flow of compassion and forgiveness. You get the closest of views of how consciousness permeates all of creation to inspire the fullest expression of SELF. However, saying so just does not impart the immensity of the experience. Truth is: "Out in space, no one can hear you scream!"

One feature of your experience that can be articulated is that the closer you get to silence, the larger the contents of your rich inner world become. Concepts that intrude come to you in vast chunks instead of words or sentences. Experience of "I AM" at the core of each bit of creation comes in huge waves. It can take a while to separate out little bits of information from these waves to explain portions that apply to human context. The good news is that your awareness gets used to this broad canvas over time and it gets easier to make the inner journey.

You have already seen that it does not come with a price tag. There are no obligations to share or interpret into human terms. You will find ways to express the large swells of inspiration that resonate to your predilections. Meanwhile, you are getting direct experience confirming the lofty ideas we have been discussing together. It is to your advantage to allow your explorations to remain nebulous rather than forcing them into human context. Your little self is challenged to expand to such an extent but it is a natural process and holds no danger of annihilation. The humanized vision of what such levels of consciousness "should" look like are totally unimportant. Measuring yourself against such tales will only impede your journey. So much of what you can encounter "out there" will not relate to the human worlds. There will be little resonance to bring to mind except in nebulous ways.


In the right now, as you commune, you experience what amounts to the Cosmic Roll Call. You tune into "I AM" and listen to the response of "I AM" from everywhere around you. Every cell of your body calls out in simple awareness. Every iota of the physical world rings with it. This is the "Song of Life" in constant trumpeting throughout time and space. You are a tuning fork that has struck its tone in the symphony and captured the harmony of All That Is. Pretty cool huh?

You have been indoctrinated into beliefs that insist that the "Voice of God" be not only human but also s[peak English. You crave information and are a little disappointed that the consciousness of the Universe has not imparted profound data, personal messages or some pulsating solution to the "Questions of Life". (42?) The abject simplicity of the Oneness is a bit shocking in its beauty and perfection and wholeness. You can let go of your desire to accomplish. You can refuse to project this desire upon the Universe and just be.

As you practice, you can certainly impress your urge to accomplish onto the naked fabric of existence that you tap into. If the urge for such adventures still drives you to flirt with entanglement there is no sin in that. Better still though is the bringing of this communion into your daily life. Let it ripple through you while you work and play. Let the joy of it infiltrate the world around you and inspire your actions. Hear the "Song of Life" in the voices of its children, their laughter and sorrows. Listen to the bird song as it blends with machine noise and the stirring of the wind and feel the wholeness of the moment. The perfection of the present moment is the information bourne on the symphony of "I AM". Practice hearing it and being carried along by it.

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