Flight of the Eagle: The Cave

Flight of the Eagle Shamanic Resources

Archived Journeys


Navigating Infinity

Chapter 3
So, Who Are We Now?

We have used this question often as a sort of guidepost in your quest. Do look back at previous works to gather a sense of the expansion of your perception. You are seeing quite clearly now what we have meant by referring to ourselves as "we". The plural phrasing is more than just an affectation. It is a lure. Though you have been willing to entertain the possibility that your individuality is a fiction, lacking direct experience of SELF has placed this fact in the realm of idea and imagination. As you linger in this realm with frequency and full attention, you know the truth of it now. There is only one of us! The paradox is that the One has infinite expressions.

Now, our end of the conversation, like the "God" of your childhood, comes to your conscious mind through the projection of human values and forms. We are a reflection of who you want us to be; all knowing, all loving and with a sense of humor and irony and endless patience (rolling our eyes). Sorry, we are just another feedback loop that you have used to protect yourself from the glare of divinity. You fear being unworthy. You fear being judged and you fear being inadequate to know what we tell you about creation.

It is very important for you to dismantle the projection of humanness that you have plastered all over the abstract parts of your psyche. They block you from being your SELF. Is not a universe that is unconditionally loving, benevolent, omniscient and generous sufficient for you? As a conscious participant, you get to revel in all this in total freedom. You only need to accept it as your birthright.

We have left the definition of SELF a rather nebulous construct intentionally. The drive to explore will not be satisfied with any definition anyway. As you connect with the core of you, the SELF, you discover how alien it is from what you have expected. Your projections of attributes upon the SELF from the "God" of your childhood to the infinite detail of the awareness of All That Is have stood in the way of the direct experience you seek. Stepping out of humanness is but a single step along the path that never ends. It offers a perspective that liberates and makes whole the broad and vast gamut of life experience that you have pursued and questioned and tried to own. Just the numberless expressions of Tim that populate the universe are enough to stop you in a cloud of bewilderment. To know your true identity to include all of creation is, well, words do not cover that.

The SELF, who you really are, experiences your existence while it experiences all of creation. It has predilections but not personality. It experiences but it does not judge. It loves but has no attachments. The SELF is everything you have ever wished to be but also everything you feared you were. It knows every answer to every question but does not need to resolve anything. It creates the Order of the Universe out of its predilections but not as an act of will, divine or otherwise, or to some end or other. It is silent witness to the perfect unfolding of all possible existence. This locus of awareness bursting from "I AM" is inside your every thought and feeling. It powers your every moment. Its Intent to experience Tim is the same urge you feel to experience SELF. When you commune with "I AM" you bring wholeness to the unfulfilled longing that drives your existence.

In such moments of communion, you realize that the vast details of creation are of no consequence. Every conscious experience is no more important than the fleeting dreams that haunt your sleep. Exploring the conscious realms prior to human planes includes understanding of the wholeness of human experience and so the answers to the human condition are available and often stunningly obvious. Even so, they do not matter. Whether the troubles of individuals or the large sweeping societal tribulations are not requiring you to solve or even participate in or identify with. As the conscious expression of SELF, your opportunity now is to observe and enjoy. Be aware of the movements within and around your life. Be fully present and witness. Be open to the wholeness as you watch the reflection, the specters of SELF before you.

As your perceptions of the abstract sharpen, it will become less necessary to take the perfect unfolding of your world on faith. The timing of life's expression will make more sense and be more available to you quite naturally. You will see the pathways to resolutions from greater distance and have input into direction changes (or nudges) more often and on more sweeping scales. Just know that your choices are arbitrary and meaningful only to you.

With each encounter with SELF you align more closely to the core of you and sense its pulsations. Careening into the void will be more commonplace and useful to you. Remember it is not yours to shape but to ride. Selecting potentials to explore is an effortless activity. It follows a natural order that will grow more apparent with exposure. The very vastness of it all will help you to stay humble enough to stay out of trouble.

From the very beginning we have suggested that the reality of creation is a collective and not a mass of individual beings. The illusion of solitariness that marks expression in your worlds has held you in thrall since infancy. You are approaching the point of assimilation into the collective by shifting your everyday attention into the abstract. Lovingly observing the life-streams around you, especially your family, brings great reassurance that the same source that flows through you is at play through everyone.

All this practice may not make you a better jeweller or a better golfer (because you do not care that much) but it does quite naturally produce a better parent and grandparent, a better friend and community member. The ease with which you stride through life allows a calmness to spread throughout your environment. You will be well served not to doubt that effect of your evolution. Stay faithful to your inner vision and let it spread before you as you walk the Earth. See the perfection, indeed count on it. This is the active side of life in the abstract; being in the world but not of it. You no longer need to strain to create a desired reality. You can rest assured that the reality you create fulfills the deepest desires that you hold in your dreams.

Table of Contents

To: Section 2 Chapter 4

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